Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Organizing Elastics

At this moment there is nothing cut and waiting to be stitched. I am taking advantage by doing some more back room organization. I have this big apothecary I love. It seems to catch all sorts of mixed up things so I've decided to dedicate it to elastics. Could it be because I just received a great shipment from Fashion Sewing Supply of elastics and interfacing? Youbetcha!

You've seen this trick before with patterns, fabrics and laces. Today we will use the same technique for the elastics.
Take your 6 inch acrylic ruler and use it to start wrapping the elastic. Once it is all wrapped it is easy to slide off the ruler. Then I put a hair elastic around it all and voila! In the jar it goes!
Lately I have been saving empty plastic thread spools. I know......Their moment in the sun arrived today! They are perfect for clear elastic and tiny regular elastics. They wound up so easily. There is 5 yards of clear elastic on one spool and room for lots more! I put a piece of tape on to secure things and into the jar it went. I don't think I will ever throw out a thread spool again! I am imagining all sorts of uses now, bias strips, pipings......
Now for some responses.
From Cissie:
Here's my issue with bags. I hate changing them out all the time. How do you manage this?
 I really don't change them often. Most of the bags you see end up being gifts for friends and family. I once in a while sell one or donate for a charity. I have seen those organizer thingies from Lazy Girl that look fabulous and may have to try that. They let you just lift out the contents of your bag and set it right into another one, pretty cool.

From Janlynn:
Is there a trick to pressing those tiny bulky seams in awkward places without burning your fingers?
This is where the wooden kitchen spoon comes in very handy. It's narrower and longer than a sleeve roll and in my basket of sewing tools now and forever. I still watch those fingers though!

Thanks for the heads up on the pattern. I haven't cut it yet as I am waiting for a back waist measurement from DD. Sophie is precociously tall and growing all the time so best check that number!

Thank you to the many new followers once again! Those bags seemed to have really spiked some interest and it is greatly appreciated. I love sharing with you all. It's all about keeping our art alive...Bunny


  1. I have that same jar!!! Now I'm kicking myself to throwing away so many empty thread spools. :/ All my laces & such are wrapped around TP cardboards. Yours look so much nicer.

    Nice job on all the purses, too. You have certainly been busy!

  2. Bunny, I love your organizing ideas! I need a much more organized life, but starting in my sewing room might be the answer - LOL! Thanks for the tips!

  3. I do like your tip about using the ruler as a base for wrapping lengths of whatever. Re: putting tape on the ends of stuff - there is something better. Unfortunately, the brand name escapes me at the moment, and my roll is missing its label. It's a thick clear plastic that looks like a roll of wide tape, but there's no sticky side. It simply adheres to itself. No adhesive = no possible gummy stuff to stick to your yardage. When I remember the name of the stuff, I'll pop up again to let you know.

  4. Irene, that is a fabulous hint. I remember actually seeing this and then trying it with some clear vinyl I bought at Joanns. It worked. I think I need to get some more. That stuff does stick to itself. Thanks so much for your great idea. The tape actually bothered me. You know how that can eventually get nasty. Thanks again!

  5. I think what Irene is referring to is called Wonder Tape. I use it all the time, especially like it for a finger shield when handsewing (as in applique cord, pinstitch, etc).

    BTW, Bunny, don't know whether to curse you or thank you? With a vacation looming, still no packing has been done. But my elastic is all organized now and my sewing room looks organized and awesome!

  6. Love the spools for elastic idea. I can't stop saving spools, even though my grandkids have all outgrown spool I've got lots + lots extra elastic!

  7. Great idea for organizing elastic. I look forward to getting other helpful organizing hints for my sewing room!



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