Sewing Vloggers

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring in a Few Days? NOT Here!

In the past 24 hours we have had 2 1/2 inches of rain, 7 inches of snow, 6 hours of cloudiness, and another foot of snow. We are predicted to have 12 more inches before it is done. I have put on my grossest, comfiest sweats and am hunkered down with needle, thread , and scissors. Hubs is attempting to dig paths out to the car and around our doorways while we wait for the plow. Springtime in the Adirondacks! I am so coveting crocuses.......Bunny


  1. Seeing what you're going through, I don't feel so bad about the amount of snow that I had to deal with. However... Do you think that there's a complaints department for weather somewhere?

  2. Hopefully, that's the last hurrah for winter. Uggh.

  3. In Binghamton, we woke up to 18" of snow and had to dig out..just to dig out.

  4. It's positively balmy here in London in comparison!

    Being from Florida, I wondered why your husband was trying to mow the lawn in the snow when I first saw your picture!

  5. All too familiar. We have something silimar in MI. So tired of it all.

  6. Oh, my, I miss New England. NOT!
    Hang in there.

  7. Yikes! I used to live in Ohio and don't miss it a bit! And to think we complained about a gopher outsmarting us this past weekend. Spring will come... eventually.

  8. Wowzers!!! Here in Michigan, we've been battling rounds of snow, thaw, rain, ice, thaw, snow... repeat! Stay warm, the crocuses are coming. Promise!


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