Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sandra Betzina Knit Top

I have started work on Vogue 1109, a Sandra Betzina pattern. It is for a knit top and I will be making it in a blue and white stripe knit. I have always loved stripes and the magical things they can do to a garment. Remember those old movies with the Adrienne suits? Love that stuff! This fabric is a wicked four way stretch that I picked up at Joanns in Massachusetts. They had quite a knit selection there.

I spent quite a bit of time yesterday making all my usual adjustments. I "petited" the pattern first. At the top of the pattern I cut a C and moved out to a D at the hips. I don't like knits that fit snugly so the C and D will give me some wanted ease. I can always take it in if it is too much. I have not had good luck in the past fitting SB's patterns. I tried to go by  the book this time following the recommendations in the pattern. We will see how it fits. I would love to try more of SB's patterns and will if I can get this one to work. My previous attempts were awful failures.

 One thing SB stresses is accurate marking.
I decided to try something I have read about recently and have to say I am very pleased. This pattern required all sorts of markings and having different colored water erasable markers really helped. I used Crayola washable markers. I did a sample first and they all washed out easily and beautifully. You can see a bit of my striped knit, all clean, with no markings. I also ironed the heck out of the sample to see if this affected anything as it can with other markers. Ironing was uneventful.  Then I made a legend in my journal and proceeded to mark the different circles, squares, etc on the pattern.

At this point the entire front bodice is complete, including sleeves. Once this was altered and marked it went together very quickly. I should have this complete by tomorrow morning. Hope to get it modeled for you with some white jeans.

I splurged. I needed lining for my next Chanel jacket. I mentioned that I purchased an acrylic boucle from Joanns for very small money. I love it  but I was afraid how the fabric would hold up. I cut a 7 inch square, serged the edges and put thru a  few wash and dryer loads, something I will never do with the jacket. It has held up beautifully so I am having no problem spending on this beautiful silk charmeuse for the lining. I have been searching and searching and finally found this lovely watercolor print from Thai silks. They got it here in four days and now  I am ready to get going on this project. This time I will use the more contemporary methods from Threads, I think issue #128. If that is the wrong issue I will let you know. Tomorrow I will prep the fabrics. First I need to make a new muslin, however. I have decided on a different pattern this time, one that meets at CF. This will eliminate the bound buttonholes. There are also no sleeve vents. I am on the fence on that one and may just add them.

I am currently without a hand project. I am thinking something for Carly but also have a few babies coming up in the fall. I just need to know the gender and then I can get going on those projects. 
Click on the post for 07/15/11 if you are interested in the giveaway. You will need to leave a comment. I ask that you let me know what you particularly enjoy about the blog. I wanted to get a vibe for what my readers were searching out and enjoying. Handbags and heirloom sewing are running neck and neck for first place. I will try to keep more of what you like coming. My question was really just one of curiosity that I thought would be fun to attach to the giveaway. Instead is seems like I am being showered with lovely comments and thoughts. Thank you all so much. The drawing will be next Friday at 8:00pm eastern....Bunny


  1. What a great idea with the Crayola markers! I can't wait to see your results with the SB top.

  2. I have used water color pencils in the past to mark fabric and they also wash out. But as you mention in your post, it is always beter to iron and test wash first rather than be sorry!

  3. I'm lookig forward to seeing your progress on this top. I also have the pattern but have been a bit nervous bout it for some strange reason! Great idea re marking too.

  4. Wow the silk you chose for your new CJ is gorgeous, I can't wait to see this new project.

  5. Love your washable pens...I just bought a set for my Walt's granddaughter and tried them out (just to make sure) and I was amazed, they did, your new charmeuse - and can't wait to see the stripes! I've loved this pattern.

  6. Great tip about the markers. I will get some my next time out for sure. Love your lining fabric. And anxious to see yournew top. I sometimes find some deent fabric at Jos. You just have to know your fabric. Every piece of fabric doesn't have to be couture prices.

  7. I too have read about using the washable crayons. I bought some on my recent trip to the lower 48, bought the fine line version. I will be testing them on my next sewing project. Glad you mentioned ironing your test piece before washing. I added that to my notes on the crayon box.
    I like your fabric too

  8. We have loads of crayola markers - I never thought to use the washable kind in my sewing. Genius! Can't wait to see your new jacket project.

  9. Hello Bunny . I have just finished making a jacket in the contemporary Chanel method . It worked really well . I love that silk it so beautiful . Do you have enough for a blouse as well?

  10. ps you can see it on my blog Its the most recent entry.

  11. Thanks for the tip on the crayola markers. I went and bought a set today.


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