Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On a roll...

  While changing my linens on our bed yesterday, it occurred to me that our nice white wool blanket would make a fabulous stuffing for the ironing board. I snuck it down into the cave and started cutting, no guilt! I was repurposing when I didn't even have to! I have had my eye out at the local thrifts for wool blankets but they are rarer then hen's teeth. Anything wool is rare at the local stores. Some one is out there beating me to every piece of wool, I just know it.  When I made the bed yesterday, I officially gave up on finding one at Sally Mae's  and went with what I had. A bird in the hand...... I also wanted a check of some kind so hustled down to Joanns. Nada, zip, zilch. Then it occurred to me that I had this wonderful cotton/lycra woven check that would be perfect. It did mean I would never make my Divine Details dress from it, but, I have never been able to get the pattern, OOP. Shouts of "just cut it" reverberated in my head and now I am happy to say I have a new ironing board cover. This is making me rethink the studio. Its been 5 years so maybe time for a home dec redo. You will be seeing a fair amount of home dec on the blog  in the future. DD #2 has put in her orders and I am waiting for the shipments to arrive. We have lots of window treatments and window seat cushions to do. For several years, way back when, I designed and sold custom window treatments. I learned a lot about construction working with the workroom. I was the only designer they had that new anything about sewing so they generously shared a lot of knowledge with me. It was a great experience. Hopefully, I haven't lost my touch. 

Today I started on another clutch. I am near finished and hopefully will have it done tomorrow. These are so quick and easy and I am on a roll here. I figure I will make some Christmas gifts while I am in the mood. Hopefully it will be completed and up on the blog tomorrow. It's "different".

It seems the pin tucked shirt was a big hit. I like it too! Thanks, every one for your kind comments. They really do egg me on to new heights and are greatly appreciated. I do hope some of you try this blouse pattern. It is really simple, no collar stand, plackets, etc. I think it is a wonderful pattern for someones first "Great White Shirt"....Bunny


  1. Love the cover-is that called a buffalo check?

  2. Sure is. I can remember that was what Wavaerly used to call it on our orders nearly 20 years ago.

  3. I look forward to your Home Dec posts. I am still muddling through changes in our home and you will inspire me.
    Sharp ironing board cover!

  4. that has to be the nicest ironing board cover I have seen.

    Look forward to seeing the home dec posts - I have also think about more Roman blinds (having just completed 6 only a matter of weeks ago.

  5. Wow! The look of e new ironing board makes me want to steam something!! Fabulous... I love that you even took the time to trim it in a matching gingham. Only you, Bunny. That's why I adore you so much! Oh, and the clutches? My new "want", as my fashion idol Kate Middleton carries them always!

  6. Great ironing board cover! I was lucky to find some thick-ish wool for $3.99 a yard so that's what I used for mine, after washing it a few times.

  7. I've been thinking about a new cover for my ironing board for years, you've inspired my to check out my stash and get it done.


Engaging commentary:

Close to being stumped with this one!

  Don't go shopping at quilt shops, even if they are the high end types like Quilted Threads of Henniker, NH. With tongue in cheek, I wi...