Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pattern Weights


This is that candle time of year. I love the smells of cinnamons, sages, cookie doughs, apple pie spice that permeate the air now that the windows are closed up for the winter. What's that have to do with sewing, you ask? Lots, I tell ya. 

Thanks to the geniuses at Pinterest I just learned how to clean out one of these used up jars and get that dang plastic thing off the cap. You can learn how to here at the Sew Many Ways blog.  Thanks, Karin, for another brilliant idea! (check out her sewing room while you are there. You have never!!!) Karin wanted to know uses for the lids. Well they make absolutely great pattern weights. They are heavy, can be used either side up, and are just the right size for your hands.
 Is this not cool? But it gets better. You can put little things in them to decorate. You can glue beads in them, decouplage your grandchildren's pictures along the bottom, or how about pics of a perfect vacation spot to give you that mini vacation moment? They can be painted with the glass paint found at Michaels. The ideas stagger me. So get those old jars out, recycle the wax as Karin describes, and make yourself some personal, neat pattern weights. ...Bunny


  1. Very cool indeed. But I do not have one single candle like this. Not one. I am glass lidded candle deficient!

  2. oh!! cool information-thanks Bunny.

  3. Great idea. I went on a cleaning spree a couple of weeks ago and threw out all the half used candles in jars! I knew I should have kept them. Time to buy new ones for Christmas.

  4. How clever! And, they are pretty, as well!

  5. Thanks for the share! :) I definitely went to her blog and followed her. I always wondered about those candle jars. :)

  6. Arrrrghhh! I must have been channeling Janlynn - I also chucked a bunch of these last week.


  7. What a great idea. You could even use the small size and put something in them for smaller patterns or pieces. My old as the hill ring weights have tacks in the bottom to hold them in place. I bet if you wanted the same with these you could leave the plastic rings in place and put tacks onto them. Hmmm...

  8. Much prettier than the cans of tomatoes I often use, lol!

  9. I never thought to use those lids. I have a dozen or so laying around. I loooooooove candles.

  10. I am so glad that you posted this. Just last week, I wondered what I should do with the lids, since I use a decorative top on the "in use" candles. I'm heading to the kitchen to move them to the sewing room!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN


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