Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bric a Brac

We have been painting. It took four sample bottles of paint but we found the right color, not what you see on my prized painting shoes. We have decided to also repaint the sewing room while we are at it. Once one gets a dedicated sewing space it only seems natural to want to decorate in a way distinct to the inhabitant, I'm no different. But you know what I did for a living most of my life? Interior design. I never would have advised a client with my situation, layout, etc to do that. So now I am finally going to follow my own best advice. The sewing room is open to the much used family room with almost always open French  doors. The two spaces work together. I watch TV from my sewing room. I do my sewing ironing in the family room a few feet away. These are two contiguous spaces that function as one many times. So my advice to myself is to paint them both the same paint or at least the same value in the same color family. Will do, Madame Designer.

You know that means a total shutdown of the space. It is chaos in there already. I have managed to finish my bag but the embellishment I was dieing to complete and show you has disappeared among the chaos. I can't find my beads!!! I've looked everywhere. They are gone. I punted and searched other options. No, I want my beads back and all my usual orderliness as well. I know it will come but for now it is chaos.

There is also produce calling. You can't ignore one of God's greatest gifts, the tomato, when it's time has come. You just have to deal. So I have been putting up tomatoes between paint brush strokes. As of last summer I no longer can them. I roast them! Once you taste this red gold you will never buy another Kerr lid again. I promise you. If any are interested I will post how to roast them. Let me know. That I can find time for. I already took all the pics of the process.

We are in a drought here, big drought. We had a half hour of light rain all summer at our home. I am not exaggerating. Our beautiful river has turned to a nearly dry stone infested river bed. Not quite a swimming hole, is it? But tonight the remnants of Isaac are hitting us and for the first time all summer we have pouring, drenching, thirst quenching rain! Alleluia! We are so glad about this and the rain sounds so good clanging on our metal roof.

This sewing drought that I am in is just making me want to sew more and more. I have been to Joanns on work lunch hours and bought some Vogue patterns and fabrics for a couple of projects. Sham's has inspired me once again with her "Koos" bag and I have all the pieces lined up to put that together. I know she has inspired many of you out there as well. Her blog is so inspirational. 

Last but not least I have been coping with some health concerns, nothing that will kill me, but can certainly ruin my day, and my nights! I am on the track to getting things under control with a neurologist who is very committed to finding a solution. In the meantime, I get extremely tired from little sleep and dealing with the symptoms. No worry, I am feeling more positive about this than I have in a long time so things are on track to resolution. I am hoping it will all be worked out very soon.

And Bric a Brac? Retro term for all the flotsam and jetsom clogging life right now but in it's time it was a word for all the odds and ends, doodads, knicknacks that a home can accumulate. You know, that salt and pepper shaker collection your grandmother so proudly displayed. Well this post was the current Bric a Brac of my life. Thanks for listening. I can't get back to my cave soon enough!...Bunny


  1. Bunny, I hope everything gets sorted out quickly and well, and you are soon feeling better. Looking forward to seeing your version of that fabulous bag!

  2. Your tomato harvest looks lucious, so glad they they made it throught the drought. Nice to see your post and good to hear that you have a good doctor to help you through this challenge. Best wishes.

  3. I would love to have your recipe for roating and "putting up" tomatoes. I live in a subdivision and planted four tomatoe plants (2 better boys and 2 grape tomatoes. Suffice to say, my neighbors quit coming to the door when they saw me coming. My freezers are full. My co-workers don't want any more and we finally pulled the d##n things out of the ground. Being the traditional southern lady, I am sure I will plant again next year - actually I am told that the grape tomatoes will plant themselves and I will consider them weeds - so I need to have as many recipes as possible. One I will share for the grape tomatoes is to wash, cut in half, place on cookie sheet, drizzle olive oil, salt/pepper and roast. Delicious as is or add garlic, onion, basil and pasta - DELICIOUS. Jerris

  4. I still have some tomatoes and have been toying with roasting, so would love to see your recipe. I've bee stewing them and freezing as we have plenty of freezer space and I'm completely opposed to boiling things in the hottest months of the year.

    I hope you have your cave back soon. Mine is also taken apart and I'm dying without it.

    1. Misery loves company! I am sorry your space is out of commission as well and hope you are back in order soon as well.

  5. Glad you're getting some much needed rain. We live only a couple of hours east of you, and we've had plenty of rain all summer. Must be those coastal storms that don't reach you.
    Also glad you're at the painting phase of your project. I hope your home is back to "normal" soon.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your finished bag. When you find the beads!

    1. The coast influence isn't felt up here, Dixie. Now the Montreal Express and Lake Effect, that's different!

  6. I would love to see you recipe for roasted tomatoes - sounds delicious!

  7. Bunny - not sure if I've every commented before, but I've been a regular reader. When your shoe picture came up, I immediately thought, "Someone has been working hard"...Sorry that you aren't feeling well and hope that things are resolved positively soon. I'll add my voice for a request for a recipe/tutorial. I didn't grow tomatoes this year, but have in years past AND am a Home Ec teacher and always looking for new recipes.
    Take care,

  8. I've got shoes that look like that from my last paint job too. I know your renovation is going to look wonderful!

  9. Would love your tomato recipe - we are in Australia and tomatoes are currently A$10/kg in our supermarket! I hav eplants in but it will be few eeks before we harvest. Have to get ready!

  10. Sorry about the fumble-fingers typing!!!

  11. Bunny, I don't think I have commented on your blog before but I truly enjoy it. Your work is just beautiful. After I retired I returned to sewing. Needless to say, my skills were extremely rusty. Followng your blog has given me inspiration. Thank you!

    I would love to know how you roast your tomatoes.

    Nashville, TN
    pjpetrone at

  12. I'm definitely interested in your tomato process! Some years we have a glut, so it would be really useful. This year, lousy weather, so no glut. But next year could be a bumper crop. Fingers crossed.

    1. Looks like a post on roasting tomatoes is on it's way! I will try and get it up tonight.

  13. It seems not long ago when you redecorated/painted your sewing room. Pink and black. I wonder if you are keeping the same color scheme this time? Hoping you are holding up after the disaster. And wishing you the best health and good nights sleep.

    1. Both rooms have crispy white woodwork. The black and white accents will stay in the sewing room. The wall color will be a taupe, not too dark, "Nantucket Dune" to be exact. I think it will all work. I will use a simple white sheer and some plantations blinds in teh family room.

  14. I pray for your health!. Those tomatoes look delicious ! I roast mine with a mixture of equal parts of salt, sugar and pepper with a drizzle of olive oil yum yum!!!! And living here in Florida we had a brief encounter with Isaac too, but we have had too much rain and the soil is saturated.... I wish I could share the water! Que te mejores !!!! Raquel from Florida

  15. Bunny, everything will be okay. Just take of yourself and enjoy creating your own space again. Saint Anthony will find those beads for you, just give him a jingle !!! Kathy S

  16. Bunny, I would love to have the recipe.

  17. Bunny
    Glad to hear that things are progressing on the renovation/clean-up front. I feel your frustration about the beads, I find that ignoring the problem for a few hours and then coming back that I can then find whatever I was searching for.
    Hope your sleep/health problem clears up soon. Its those little things that get us down.
    Can't wait for your Koos project.

  18. love the idea of your connecting rooms - I have told Mike I want to do the same thing when we buy our next home.

    Good luck with the painting - I am with you on painting them the same colour, but I suspect whatever it will be it will look beautiful.

    Enjoy making the Koos bag, I hope you find the beads, and more important I hope you resolve your health issues soon. Speedy recovery x

    1. The connecting rooms with the wide french doors were very important to me. As much as I love my dedicated space I spent too many years sewing apart from the family in basement sewing rooms. I like that hubby is a few feet away enjoying some college football and I am close by cutting out a new endeavor. It works for us.

      Thanks everyone for all the good wishes. If and when I am more solid on my health I will let you all in but for now we are still in discovery mode. The diagnosis I have had for the past four years has been tossed out and that's all I can really say for now. More later when I know more.

  19. I usually just make salsa (almost a pico de gallo) with my tomatoes (with my fresh pickled jalapenos and fresh picked cilantro, and etc) and freeze flat in ziploc bags. It's what the men in my family love. But it's quite an effort, so I,too, would love to know how your roast your tomatoes. :)

  20. Roasted tomatoes sound fantastic, and I hope you are feeling 100% soon - good thoughts for you.


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