Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Not Too Glamourous!

Actually it looks like short prison matron painting her cell! Right now hubby and I have completed all the walls. Wow, am I liking this calming taupe color for the cave! It works beautifully with the counter tops and cabinets and their knobs. The floor will be a dark stain so that should be interesting to see. The same hardwood hickory dark stain floor will run throughout. I am liking our decision to treat the two rooms as a unit. I may change my window treatment in the cave to the same as the family room, wide blinds and simple white side panels. Time will tell.

Everything has now been removed from my space so sewing is D O N E for now. The good news is I found my beads. They were under something that was under something else. So I at least have some handwork to fiddle with. I have been enjoying rereading some great sewing books too, particularly Nancy Zieman's Fitting Finesse and Claire Schaeffer's Couture Sewing. That Nancy book is a treasure!

Oh, how I yearn for my former  organization! Everything is stuffed everywhere. We are just trying to keep our eye on the prize.......Bunny


  1. You are looking good, girl. We just finished painting the railings and supports on a large wrap-around porch so I feel your pain. In the end I am cheap, make that free, labor. Glad no one took a picture of me though the head covering looks vaguely familiar. Your color choice is beautiful but I like the old one too.

  2. I can sympathize with you. Half of my sewing room is in the living room and the other half in the kitchen. I can still sew, but it is most uncomfortable. We can't proceed with the floor because I've been sick and don't think I can tolerate the smell. You will have the most wonderful sewing space when it's all finished. BTW, how do you store your patterns???

    1. I have a wire basket I keep handy with the ten most inspirational OR most likely to be sewn patterns. All of the others are in those black and white Joann pattern boxes that I pick up when they are on sale. I have them separated by type. You can see some of them in closet photo above,Faye.

      The floors we are putting in will be prefinished so no smell issues. We have done it both ways and like the speed and lack of smell of the prefinished floors. In homes where we were blessed,like you, with existing hardwood floors we went the "smelly" route. Good luck with your project. I have been following along and know it will be lovely when done.

    2. Bunny and Faye...I just tried to buy some more of those cardboard pattern boxes from JoAnns and they no longer sell them (at least in the Chicago suburbs). I asked to be sure. Instead, I bought a package of 1/2 size cardboard file boxes from an office supply store. They are the same width and length as the pattern boxes, but are a little taller. The lids are attached rather than separate like the pattern boxes. The 6-pak cost about $12; cheaper than the pattern boxes are online. Now I just need to make room for all the boxes!

  3. I like the color you've chosen, it will look great. We just got the new ceiling treatment applied to my sewing room so hubby will paint it next week. My stuff is all in boxes in the dining room. I can't wait until it's over.

    1. Lot of redecorating going on in the blogosphere! The color you see in the pics is still wet. It dries much darker but still looks nice as you will see. I bet you can't wait to get back in your space.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished results! I am sure it will be worth all the effort.

  5. Short of installing a new kitchen, a re-do in the sewing space is the most painful I think. Could it be because we all have so much stuff? Strewn here and there it is like portions of ourselves willy-nilly in the wind!

  6. You are so darling! I love the color you have chosen. It looks calm and inspiring. I can't wait to see it all finished. I know it will be beee-ut-eee-ful!

  7. That will be a great picture to save. Say, are we seeing painter's tape around your wrist, or do we spy a bracelet and earrings peaking from the scarf?

    1. It's a hair scrunchie! Such style, I tell ya'!

  8. You'll get there. Keep the faith!!

  9. You look like a true artist...... I hope you get it all finished and back to your normal tidy self soon.


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