Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sewing Magazines, Yo, Newbies!

  Much great information can come from sewing magazines and any newbie sewist can really get some quality education as well as inspiration from some of these periodicals. One magazine that has really stepped up it's content is Vogue Pattern Magazine. Back in the day this was a magazine that I bought to get the latest fashions that were being made into patterns. I always liked it. But now, there is so much more substance and I find it a must have for any sewist, particularly newbies. If you say, "well, I can't sew at the level, or I don't use Vogues for whatever reason" don't let that stop you from the great content in this mag. I will just give you a run down on what's in the current issue. 

Of  course in the back are all the newest patterns and their specifics albeit in condensed form. There's a great fashion spread of the same patterns like you would see in any fashion magazine. But there is more! There is an article on invisible zipper installation and it's appropriate feet and another on how to install a zippered pocket. If you are into upcycling, a great refashion of a big old plaid shirt (remember grunge?) ends up being a lace embellished contemporarily cut beauty. Looking to arm your sewing space with the latest and greatest? There's an in depth article on garment presses, very informative. For the more adventurous sewist we have some great play with oil based paint sticks. Luv that one! Couture Maven Claire Shaeffer's article gives numerous ways to trim a jacket a la Chanel. One of my favorite pieces is on "Sewing Clothes You Will Love to Wear" based on the CASE method. I found it very informative and nice to see it underline some thoughts I had about my own style choices.  And there is more and more. Suffice it to say this magazine is now a great resource for the sewist of every level, whether you sew Vogue or not. Highly recommend!
Threads Magazine is another great sewing mag. It has been around since the eighties??? and I think I have nearly every issue. Other than a couple years under different management, it has been very inspirational and educational and sometimes even controversial. On the Threads website you can access their index to get an idea of the amazing depth of information that exists from this publication. From sewing fur, to lace, to lessons from the top instructors in the business , to interviews with couturiers, and so much more you will have another great education going with this one. Many of your favorite bloggers have been featured here as well. Another solid buy and a classic you can rely on. They also have an "insider" program that gives you even more on line. I can't tell you how many garments I have made inspired by Threads, many, many, from new techniques to challenging new fibers. If you feel that it is too "beyond" your sewing level, newbies, well don't. You have to aim high and any information gleaned will go to making you a better sewist. There sister magazine "Sew Stylish" is oriented to a less experienced sewist and quite good as well.

Ah, the best of any heirloom sewing magazine out there, bar none, Australian Smocking and Embroidery! Guess what? Their last issue, issue 100, is out shortly and I am in their queue. This mag is published by Country  Bumpkin in Australia and I can honestly say it is/was without equal. So if you are interested in learning heirloom techniques, seeing breathtakingly beautiful children wearing "royal" worthy designs, and learning some very special techniques with clear instructions, buy up these on ebay or direct from Country Bumpkin. This is not all gloss and glory. Every pattern I have used form AS&E has been extremely precise and clear, beautifully drafted and provided the results wished for. The clothes here are timeless therefore the age of the magazines still offered truly doesn't matter. The skills taught will ratchet up your sewing abilities big time. Get these while you can. They are an education. One of their separate publications, "The Best of Australian Smocking and Embroidery" , a one time issue, was going for 600.00 on ebay last I looked a few days ago. Really! This is the quality of this mag. You can be confident buying any of their issues other than the earliest as those did not included the pattern centerfolds. Make sure that is included in any purchase from Ebay or elsewhere "cause those directions are what it's all about. 

 ETA: Sadly, since this post was published Australian Smocking and Embroidery has ceased publications. It is so important we support this artform otherwise we could lose our wonderful and inspiring publications. 


As I offered the post on the Sewing Masters of the Universe for our newbies to know where failsafe information can be had, I also offer this one. All three of these magazines will inspire and educate. Yes, there are other sewing mags out there but in my personal opinion, these are the best, the ones with the quality info that won't fail you. Credits counted for your sewing PHd. ; )     Bunny


  1. I agree Bunny, I've learned so much, especially from Threads, that i probably wouldn't be much of a sewist today if I hadn't had these magazines to learn so much from.

    1. Me too. Threads really brought me to levels I hadn't been to before. I refer back to the old issues all the time too.

  2. Great post Bunny - I am sure that we would all echo your comments. I started with Vogue magazine years back (sadly no longer have them), but then they changed it to Sew Direct magazine here int he UK.

    I now subscribe to Threads, and eagerly await the two magazines to arrive on my doorstep each month along with Burda magazine.

  3. Thanks for this article. I subscribe to Threads, but haven't looked at a Vogue magazine in years. I'm newly back to sewing clothes after years of nothing but quilts. Sounds like I need to check out Vogue, too. One question: What is the CASE method? Bing search wasn't any help. I really enjoy your blog!

    1. Bridgette Raes wrote the article and CASE stands for Counterbalance, Angle, Shape and Shorten, and Elongate. It makes some really good points.

    2. Thanks-it sounds interesting!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am another reader of Threads, and save a fortune by subscribing! The other magazine I also subscribe to is Australian Stitches Magazine. Great for the few Down Under sewers as it is 'in-season' for us, and it also offers amazing technically ideas to transfer to your own sewing...

  6. I am a big fan of Threads, every issue I learn new things and get great ideas. Vogue Pattern magazine, I wish they would show more versions of their new patterns, that is why I look at that magazine, otherwise the content is pretty thin.

  7. Thanks Bunny. Funny, I subscribed to Threads this week. I've been using their website with out subscribing to the printed copy for too long.

  8. Great post Bunny! I'm another one that hasn't looked at Vogue in years - I'll have to pick up a copy of that one. There's no substitute for quality information written by the masters of sewing. I think that aiming high is the best advice you could give anyone!

  9. Thanks Bunny! This reminds me to buy a subscription to Threads. I usually pick up a copy at BN and grab old ones at thrift stores.

  10. Thank you for the thorough review - I am a total beginner and have found out that the only way to learn sewing is by practice. I trawl through many Youtube tutorials and read blogs like yours to gain insight into sewing. I wanted to subscribe to the Vogue Patterns Magazine but I might give Threads a go too. Thank you!

  11. I like Burda magazine (english or spanish version). It is a source of patterns and almost zero techniques and new products. I like Threads too!

  12. Sorry for the late response. Just catching up on my blog following. I'm a very long time Threads devotee and have bought every issue of Australian Smocking since I learned how to smock, 4 years ago. I was so disappointed w/the last issue. I was fully expecting them to do something fabulous w/their last issue and give us inspiration to hold us for a good while. So the "retrospective" was a bummer for me. I'm thankful I have long time smocking friends who have every issue ! I will be revisiting Vogue since your post. Haven't read it in years. Your thoughts on the last Australian Smocking and Embroidery issue ??


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