Sewing Vloggers

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vintage Gifts


Is this piece of bark cloth from the fifties not spectacular? A friend was cleaning out his deceased Mom's attic and she was an avid sewist. He brought me quite a few fabrics and offered to bring any I didn't want to the dump. I could have taken the whole pile but made a conscious decision which I shared with him  that I would only take what I would actually sew. I would sew this bark cloth into something in a heartbeat! I am thinking two large pillows for the living room couch or a big slouchy bag or a bag with some brown leather mixed in. What are your suggestions? I have always been crazy about bark cloth and in our last home did custom drapes in the living/dining areas out of a black bark cloth with giant white and lavender hydrangeas. Walls were soft yellow, white trim! 

This next one is a thin, but not too thin, missoni-ish knit. It is really nice and took the wash well. Maybe a sarong for the beach to hide that cottage cheese fermenting beneath my bum? OK, a bit too graphic so let's move on.....

 This one is so sweet. The dark areas you see are little tufts of fabric, sort of a dotted Swiss on steroids, very third dimensional. I think it could make a cute little summer top for Sophie or Carly.

They will sit out in the sun for the day just to make sure all attic odors that could be hiding are gone. Then on to the shelf. I just love me that barkcloth.....Bunny


  1. The bark cloth is stunning!
    Take it to the dump!? Surely he can at least bring them to a charity shop, or a school for the kids to play with.

  2. Love all of it and anxiously await the sewing...

  3. I have never heard of bark cloth before - always nice to get some new fabrics and I am sure the old owner will be looking down eagerly waiting to see what you sew with it - I am with Karin in that I am sure a charity shop would take it.

  4. How fun! You got some nice treasures there! And it was smart of you to be selective - that can be tough!

  5. absolutely lovely, like finding treasure!

  6. Wow!! you lucky little duck. Sorry about that, you lucky little bunny!!!!!

  7. What a lovely way to start Spring sewing with much loved and vintage fabric from another sewer. It goes right along with a friend of mine who tells other members in our local ASG, "If you don't use up your stash, your kids will be selling it cheap at a garage sale when you have passed" but in this case it would have ended up as dump filler...yikes! Love that dotted swiss type fabric...can't remember the name but it is so nice to feel!

  8. Thistles printed on desert camo... What's not to love?

  9. How generous of him & what interesting fabrics you picked, Bunny!

    I'd be tempted to make a whole cloth quilt out of the bark cloth & do all free motion quilting around the motifs.

    I bet the textured one with the dark blue tufts on it will be fun for the girls. Would that be called a "pile" fabric?
    Whatever, I look forward to seeing just what you're going to do with all of them. :-)

  10. What fun to have received these neat fabrics! Using "free" fabric always makes me feel so clever and smug--kind of a throwback to the days when ladies sewed to save money. I can't wait to see what you do with these.

  11. What a score! Love love love that barkcloth!


Engaging commentary:

Close to being stumped with this one!

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