Sewing Vloggers

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Great British Sewing Bee

You've got to see this! It is a one hour program that just started airing in Britain. Seven contestants vie for not sure what at this point other than bragging rights to be the best sewist in the British Isles. One of the stars is Master Stitcher, Ann Rowley, a yoga practicing septuagenarian who sews haute couture and frequents The Stitcher's Guild sewing forum at Artisan's Square. She is highly skilled, delightful, and a font of sewing wisdom and knowledge. Other contestants are a couple of very newbies, a mechanic, a hospital cleaner, and more. It makes for great TV and of course fabulous TV for any sewist to watch. It seems to be well produced as well.

This show aired Tuesday night. Let's hope the poster on Youtube  gets each weekly program on line. Shall we all write/email our local PBS stations to air a US version? I think so! Who would you pick to emcee, to judge, to be a contestant? Thought provoking fun!...Bunny


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I am in the US and have been trying to figure out how I could see this show. I can't wait to watch it.
    Thanks again.

  2. Thanks for the video, I really enjoyed it. I wish I had someone like Ann in my life to impart to me her wisdom, I think that would be wonderful.

  3. Thank you Bunny. I loved this show and hope to see more. Hoping they all go up on YouTube. This came at a good time for me, as I am quite ill with lung/heart issues and have to rest. I'm catching up on TV, books and magazines.

    1. I am so so sorry to hear about your health issues, Gwen. Prayers and good thoughts go out to you. Take care and get that rest.

      I am currently reading a sewing book by Adele Margolis, "How to Make Clothes that Fit and Flatter" that I was able to get through an inter library loan. I know you would just love it.

  4. I watched this Tuesday night and loved it and of course Ann was fab. Its now a "look forward to" TV for me

  5. Bunny - thanks for posting this. Ann of Gorgeous Fabrics posted a link on how to download the series but this is so much easier! I hope the person keeps posting to YouTube also. Plus I really think Ann is an Amazing, AMAZING sewist so I was thrilled to learn that she was a part of the show!

  6. I just finished watching this episode. Thank you Bunny for posting it. I loved the program and am looking forward to seeing more episodes posted. Thanks again. Susan VH

  7. Thanks so much for posting this!! I've been dying to see it.

  8. Thanks, Bunny! I am such a fan of Ann Rowley, and now that I've seen this episode, I admire her even more. Claudine (

  9. Thankyou for posting this. Just finished watching and wow, aren't we proud of Ann!!

  10. Thank you so much for posting this! ~Valerie

  11. I LOVED IT!!!! What a fun show....great entertainment with good tips & interesting tips.
    Thank you SEW much for posting this, Bunny! I can't wait for the next episode...please keep us updated?

  12. Forgot to say "GO ANN!!!!!" Age & Experience will always win out!

  13. Ay, yi, yi! I started watching it and am totally mesmerized, but I have to leave town NOW! Can't wait to get back and watch the rest of it. :-)

  14. Thank you for posting this. I just watched it and hope to view all the episodes.

  15. Blast you, Bunny! After watching the first episode of The Great British Sewing Bee, I am now hooked! Thanks to you, I now have to watch the rest of the series. Seriously, thank you for letting the rest of us know about this wonderful reality show : )

  16. What a refreshing change of pace this BBC program is compared to American "reality shows" much class and good spirit...!!! Thank you so much for alerting us to it, and I shall look forward to future episodes!!

  17. What a delight, Bunny, and many thanks for posting this. I had the opportunity to live in England for 6 years when my Air Force husband was stationed there twice and this made me so homesick for my British friends. I will look forward to the next episode. Love that British civility !!


  18. Invitation - In
    I'm Brazilian.
    Spent reading here, and visit his blog.
    I also have one, only much simpler.
    I'm inviting you to visit me, and if possible follow together for them and with them. I always liked to write, expose and share my ideas with people, regardless of class Social, Religious Creed, the Sexual Orientation, or, of Ethnicity.
    To me, what will interest is our exchange of ideas, and, thoughts.
    I'm there in my space Simpleton, waiting for you.
    And I'm already following your blog.
    Strength, Peace, Friendship and Happiness
    For you, a hug from Brazil.

    interesse è lo scambio di idee, e, pensieri.
    'm lì nel mio Grullo spazio, in attesa per voi.
    E sto già seguendo il tuo blog.
    Forza, pace, amicizia e felicità
    Per te, un abbraccio dal Brasile.

    Invitation - F
    Je suis brésilien.
    Passé à lire ici, et visiter son blog.
    J'ai aussi une, seulement beaucoup plus simple.
    'm vous invite à me rendre visite, et si possible suivre ensemble pour eux et avec eux. J'ai toujours aimé écrire, d'exposer et de partager mes idées avec les gens, sans distinction de classe sociale, la croyance religieuse, l'orientation sexuelle, ou de l'ethnicité.
    Pour moi, ce sera notre intérêt est un échange d'idées, et, pensées.
    'm il ya dans mon espace Bêta, vous attend.
    Et je suis déjà à la suite de votre blog.
    Force, la paix, l'amitié et le bonheur
    Pour vous, un câlin du Brésil.

    Invitație -- romeno
    Sunt brazilian.
    Petrecut citind aici, și să vizitați blog-ul său.
    Am, de asemenea, una, doar mult mai simplu.
    "m invitându-vă să mă viziteze, și, dacă este posibil, urmați împreună pentru ei și cu ei. Intotdeauna mi-am dorit să scriu, expune și împărtăși ideile mele cu oamenii, indiferent de clasa Crezului socială, religioasă, orientare sexuală, sau, de etnie.
    Pentru mine, ceea ce va interes este schimbul nostru de idei, și, gânduri.
    "m acolo, în spațiu, naiv mea de așteptare pentru tine.
    Iar eu urma deja blog-ul dvs..
    Forța de aderență, de pace, de prietenie si fericire
    Pentru tine, o imbratisare din Brazilia.

    Einladung - alemão
    Ich bin Brasilianer.
    Verbracht Lesen Sie hier, und besuchen Sie in seinem Blog.
    Ich habe auch ein, nur viel einfacher.
    'm laden Sie mich zu besuchen, und wenn möglich zu folgen zusammen für sie und mit ihnen. Ich mochte schon immer zu schreiben, zu entlarven und teile meine Ideen mit Menschen, unabhängig von Klasse sozialen, religiösen Creed, der sexuellen Orientierung, oder der Volkszugehörigkeit.
    Für mich, was das Interesse unserer Austausch von Ideen ist, und Gedanken.
    'm es in meinem Raum Dummling, warten auf Sie.
    Und ich bin schon nach Ihrem Blog.
    Stärke, Frieden, Freundschaft und Glück
    Für Sie, eine Umarmung aus Brasilien.

  19. Thank you...I loved watching that, and yes I do hope they make a US version!

  20. Thank you for posting this link! What a fun show. I hope we'll get to see the rest of them. :)

  21. Do make sure we all comment on the BBC's website for the program as well. There is a lot more information about the contestants there too.

    We are likely to get more stitching and textile crafts if we show the depth a nd range of those of us who appreciate the progam.

  22. Just watched it! Thanks, Bunny, I loved every minute.

  23. What a delight! My DD and I watched this together. Hope we will get to see more of this series!!

  24. Enjoyed the show immensely and actually wondered if that was Ms. Ann from Stitchers Guild.

  25. Thanks, Bunny for posting this! I loved it! Hope to see more episodes posted!

  26. I know that I am the last one to see this but THANKS SO MUCH for posting this video. I finally sat down to watch it and was completely blown away. I can't wait to see all the episodes.

  27. OMG! Love this!!! No longer are girls learning to sew in the junior high school. Had to learn fitting and pattern fitting on my own.


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