Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Simplicity 1757

Hubby and I will be attending a wedding in August. It will take place on a quiet beach in Maine with a group of about 40 guests. Brunch will follow at a nice venue. What to wear, what to wear? I have been tossing this around for a long time. Forget anything heels and typical. I thought of the cute little sundress and nice sandals but am long past my PYT stage (pretty young thang) so that did not appeal to me. Then I saw this georgette with it's scallop edged flowers and it was love at first sight. It drapes really nicely, is poly but seems to be really nice. I have already washed and dried it in the dryer and it survived perfectly.I NEVER wear pink. I've been told it is my best color but I am just not a pink person. For this fabric I will become one. I thought it would be really nice with some beige linen pants from my new Sure Fit pattern  (Love!) . But when I placed the georgette next to this rosy brown it was kismet. Home they both came. Now for pattern thoughts for the top.

Then I find Simplicity 1757 and it really gets me thinking. OK, this is a dress. We will just shorten and turn into a top. It is WAY too wide but I like the idea of those fluttery side seams. I think I will make them much narrower so I can have a shorter sleeve and also will try to taper to the hem so there is only a small fluttery flange in the side seam.
So that is where I am in the design process. It would be a quick make and that is good. My other option being considered is the Cynthia Rowley TNT top I have made  lately. That is not out of the question. What do you think?

With this I will wear the rosy brown linen slacks I plan to make and some super cool pinkish maybe sandals. I'm still looking for those. The wedding is in August so maybe I can find a good end of summer deal on those. I would love to know your thoughts on this.

Sure Fit update:  I made my first muslin. It truly fit better than any pants I have made with multiple alterations. It doesn't have all that infamous volume behind the leg that you get in the Big Four It was just the teensiest snugger than I like but that was easily fixed and a result of my egotistical measuring spree. See, I had measured my hips and they were a bit less than I had remembered, a fair bit. So I immediately wrote down that lovely number and proceeded to plot my pattern. Once the muslin was made and I realized I wanted just a tad more ease, I remeasured myself the next day, over and over and over and over. Every time I came up with a larger measurement and the same measurement each time than my ego measurement. I plotted out a new pattern with the "good" hip measurement and voila. I can't wait to show you all. I am making another muslin with the new measurement but will show you as soon as it's done.

Our river in the back yard has been roaring and at it's high water mark recently because of all the rains we have had up here. This is the first video I have ever done with my camera so pardon the amateurish result but I think you get the picture. It is really weird to hear one's own voice....Bunny


  1. Thanks for the surefit update. Was anxious to hear how well it worked for you. Still toying with the idea of ordering.

  2. Love that fabric!

    Glad to hear about success with Sure-Fit Designs, and will anxiously await your conclusions. :-)

  3. I need to get back to my SFD pants. They have been on the side-line while I've been making 2 quilts. I love the fabric, perfect for a wedding.

  4. The water is scary Bunny, sure hope it recedes soon. Love your plans for your wedding outfit.

  5. Bunny, love that pink fabric and your ideas for it. You are wise to remember your actual size, unlike me who imagines that my body is a match for certain patterns, no, actually, it seldom occurs to me. I think my mind just assumes... You probably know how that goes LOL.
    Okay, I'm all about Sure-Fit Designs these days. I finished my first pants and I can't wait to see yours! This is so exciting! We are having very similar experiences with SFD.

  6. Lovely, lovely fabric and the rosy brown is a perfect match. No real advice on the choice of tops, but a bit of flutter will be nice (assuming the fabric has enough drape).
    And the water: scaring. Must be a worldwide problem. Central Europe has the worst floods in centuries. I'm far from there but it's on the news a lot.

  7. your wedding outfit plans sound lovely - go for it. Your river is very exciting - how lucky to live near the river, that is our dream to get something overlooking the river. I know what you mean about hearing your own voice (I always think yuck) :-)

  8. Awesome video! The power of water is amazing. Niagara comes to mind. I imagine living on the river, you're always reminded of the force of Mother Nature. The pink fabric is beautiful. Are you going to put the elastic at the waist or let it hang loose? Oh, pink sandals-yumm. I'm so glad you had good results with SFD. I like the blouses I've made using it. Glenda would welcome a photo of your finished pants, and she's very good at helping with problems, though it seems you don't have any issues.

    1. I think the top will hang loose but will curve in at the waist for some shape. I am going to do a muslin first to make sure this all makes sense.

  9. Thank you for sharing your back garden with us Bunny; what an amazing place to sit!

    How wonderful to hear your beautiful voice too. Feel Like I really know you now dearest friend.

    From the other side of the pond

    1. Well, you at least heard my 5:45 in the morning voice! I took these when the sun was just coming up so the golden tinge to it all.

  10. I love your plans for the fabric - it is lovely. But I know what you mean about not being a pink person! ;-)

  11. Oh i love that fabric Bunny! I can't wait to see it all made up and on you. I need to look p your blog on Don's laptop because the video doesn't show up on my ipad and I want to hear your voice! Happy Sunday!

  12. Love the georgette and the trim. (Would you call that passementerie?)

    Re: the top, here's my perspective having recently purchased something with very similar styling. (1) I honestly don't think these types of tops are very flattering, even on so-called "full figured gals." I'm pretty much normal weight, 5'7", and a c-cup, but my store-bought top made me look like a cow. A boxy silhouette with a boxy short sleeve -- kimono style, or cut as one -- would provide plenty of comfort and wiggle room without creating a huge puddle of fabric at your sides. (2) If you do make this top, make sure you have a cami to wear with it, because those poncho-style sleeves provide a great peep show every time you raise your arms. (3) This style of top poses challenges re: what to wear as an over-garment if the temperature is chilly. You'll need a wrap of some type because the excess fabric at the sides of the top are hard to cram into the sleeve of a jacket.

    How about one of these Simplicity patterns as an option:
    The cha-cha ruffling on View B reminds me of your georgette, but your fabric is much prettier. You could skip the ruffles and just finish the neckline with a bias binding of charmeuse and it would look lovely.

    Or maybe this one:

    Both of these designs list crepes of all kinds (including georgette) as the recommended fabrics.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts. I appreciate your input. The second pattern choice has possibilities. I am a C cup and very short. My top, whatever it is will have it's hem most likely at high hip. You've given me some good things to think about. Thanks so much.

      I would call it passementerie too!

  13. Bunny, I love the river and the sound of it roaring, however please tell us your home is on higher - much higher - ground. ??

    1. Our back door is about a hundred feet from the water's edge. We are probably 2-3 feet higher than the river at its highest. This river, per the locals, has never flooded past what you see here. It is fed by a spring filled swamp and runoff from higher terain. What isn't evident in the video is the angle of the river. You can literally see it going downhill. I think because of that downhill pull it goes down faster than it goes wide if that makes sense. Is there a geologist among us?

  14. Bunny, this post is chock full of goodies for me to read. I absolutely love pink/brown and I should wear it more as am told it is a good combo for me. Your pink fabric is wonderful and I am intrigued by your top pattern. Have fun sewing for this upcoming wedding. Also, Sure Fit is on my list of projects to do.

  15. That pink fabric is divine! I hope the top comes out well, with all the changes, a muslin is certainly a must.

    The river is scary! I'm used to cement banked rivers with a trickle down the center, but only in the winter. In summer, they are all dry as bones.

  16. Such pretty fabrics, those are great finds! I made a top very similar to that earlier this year, it was easy as pie and garners compliments whenever worn. Your fabric is much prettier, so I know this will be a win-win for you! Thanks for sharing the video of your river! My goodness, so pretty to gaze at, but I'm sure it's unsettling when it's running fast and high like that! Stay dry!!!


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