Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I kept wanting to call this post "Re-assesment" but I never assessed to begin with so how can I "re" the assessing I never did? So instead  this will be an assessment of my current state of sewing affairs. Many bloggers will start the new year with a plan for the year and goals to be reached. My goal setting is usually by the day or week and a year ahead is a bit too nebulous for me. Of course in my mind there is a horde of designs with an even bigger horde of fabric to go with them. What is it about "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"? My intentions are good but I truly doubt that will show me the way to Hades. Instead they will either get made or they won't

That being said, this time of year does make me focus and assess. The holidays are looming. What festivities will I attend? The cold weather is licking at our ears right now with the serious white stuff just around the corner. That requires winter clothes. My grandchildren and other family members all have their birthdays in November and December. That needs gifts and the most appreciated are the ones I make. I am lucky like that. It is just a time frought with lots of sewing needs. And you know what? That's OK. I just have to decide what get's priority. Here are a few things  running around in my mind.

These are wolves howling at the moon. I just got this from E-Quilter and it is gorgeous heavy flannel like I get on the Native American Reservation near here but right now I don't have time to go visit. My little grandson asked me the other day, "Bunbun, what are you making for me now?" emphasis being on the "now". My heart went pitter pat as the answer was nothing. My reply to him was "what would you like me to make?"  Without hesitation he answered, "Jammies." I can do that. I'll use my tried and true OOP Simplicity 2771. It's been featured many times in the blog, the last being these jammie:
 And then there is Sophie. She told me she likes this jumper and would love it in pink so pink boucle it is. I did manage to get it cut out this weekend using Simp 1723. After the last project I have decided to flat line this so it should go together nicely. I just have to think of some waistline embellishment.

Then there is my little Carly. She desperately needs a double doll carrier for her American Girls dolls. Doesn't every little girl? Here are the fabric choices for that. Now to just find that pattern which always seems to disappear. It doesn't actually disappear. It gets misfiled as there are other items on the pattern besides the doll carrier and the carrier isn't real evident from the pattern picture. This will require some digging. I always make things for Carly that lean toward turquoise like her big beautiful eyes. These are my choices:
Are you seeing a trend here? But where is there something for Bunbun?  Oh, there is. Maybe not lots but more of Big projects like my winter coat. I won't show you that fabric as it is a black cashmere/wool blend and yummy but still just black. I will use the very simple Butterick 5960 after debating over many many patterns the past year. Once I saw this one it was final.
This pattern is just simple enough to give me a few seasons wear, with or without the belt. I'll do a Kasha lining and some other embellishment.
I also managed to recently score some really lovely rayon crepe for a blouse. It is yummy and has such a gorgeous drape. Not sure what the pattern will be but it will be "flowy". I'm still searching. It washed and dried beautifully.

And then there were these two yummy fabrics, both velvets. The first is a cotton velveteen and just gorgeous. It begs a simple design and I am still not sure what that is yet. By the way, any and all suggestions for garments or actual patterns will be taken seriously and appreciated. This first velvet is languishing since it's purchase last year. It just never got made into anything. My husband's health issues started last February and that put the kaboshky on a lot of the projects I planned for last winter/spring. He is doing very well now, thank you, after 7 months of treatment so now we can focus on other things which for me is back to sewing.
And the last piece of fabric here I think is utterly fabulous. Looks like moguls on a black diamond ski trail, right? It is a sculpted 100% rayon velvet and it just blows me away every time I look at it. I just know it would be great in one of those voluminous rounded shoulder jackets/coats you see on the runways right now. But on moi? I don't think so. Let's just say the word is "mushroom".  So I am asking you, dear readers for your ideas for this yummy fabric. What would you make? Remember, I am five feet tall so nothing too overwhelming. Part of me wants to line it and put it on my bed as a throw and the other part wants a really cool jacket. Here it is:

One thought I had was to do some sort of surface dyeing on it. Your ideas????

Isn't this beautiful? My first hibiscus ever is giving up it's last gasp of summer. So lovely.

Thanks to everyone for your wonderful thoughts and comments on the Crinkle Jacket. It was a really fun project to make. Kudos to my hubby for the great photos. Mine with the self timer were really sad. He is much easier to smile for than the side of the house. Again, your thoughts and encouragement are always treasured and appreciated.......Bunny


  1. Fun lineup Bunny!! The pjs, and the jumper will be cute. I love the coat pattern, and look forward to seeing it made up. My MIL passed on to me her grey cashmere coat of that design years ago when I started my career. Oh, I wore that coat to death. :-)

    1. It's a classic. I had a black wrap coat that I made some years back. It was loaded with hand tailoring and I loved it. The second year of it's life I had it stolen at an of site work function, I'm pretty sure by a co worker who soon left the company. I soothed my pain by convincing myself it was a form of flattery. I have been craving another long black belted coat ever since.

  2. Wow you are the best grandma:). Glad to hear your hubby is better. That velvet is gorgeous. What about a skirt?

    1. Way too bulky for these hips. It is white and rather three dimensional so not good for my hips. I am thinking a jacket but not sure what yet. Nothing has hit when I've looked at the books. Rayon usually dyes beautifully and that's why I am thinking a bit out of the box with that idea. It is one of those things that will just find it's place and time I guess. Thanks for your suggestion, Beth.

  3. Hi there Bunny darling,

    Wonderful blog as always. Thanks so much for sharing everything with us.

    I have some cashmere/mohair/wool in red but what to make with it.............I would love to hear your recommendations. I have a red swing coat, and I wonder about a jacket, skirt and wonder if it would be ok for a dress.....................its not heavy heavy fabric if you know what I mean........LOL

    Something to make me feel good at Christmas...........

    Love the crinkle jacket and you look amazing in it.

    1. Well the look on the runways right now is lots of matchy matchy so a red dress to go with your red coat sounds wonderful. It begs a lining otherwise it would be horribly scratchy. I am sure you will come up with something lovely.

  4. I'm just so glad to hear that your hubby is feeling so well. :)

  5. Thanks. We are hoping he will be back to work in a couple of weeks. Just a couple more doctor's visits. I appreciate everyone's thoughts.

  6. Bunny, I just love your long range goals. Thank coat is just so pretty, I can see that on you.



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