Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, December 13, 2014


When I first started the tiny ski suit, I casually mentioned the little flag shown on the pattern. Clearly this doll is an Olympic competitor! I wasn't sure how I would pull off the flag and mentioned the possibility of drawing something with a Sharpie or some such. That post no sooner was published than an email arrived in my inbox from loyal reader, Penny H. She kindly offered to stitch out the tiny flags on her embroidery machine.  She not only stitched out the tiny flag but provided an assortment of little sizes to make sure I got the right scale.  How thoughtful can you get?

I was blown away by her kindness, but not surprised. I've been blogging since 2007 and have found out a few things about our cyber neighborhood. The majority of sewing bloggers and readers are truly caring individuals who love sharing their passion, their trials and tribulations at the machine, their skill growth and so much more. I have seen them rally around divorcing sewing bloggers, laid off sewing bloggers, grieving sewing bloggers, ill sewing bloggers as well as travelling sewing bloggers, moving sewing bloggers, marrying sewing bloggers and bloggers sharing the joys of their lives outside of sewing.  It's a great community, a very generous one as well.  I am thankful I am part of that. 

You can feel the excitement in this community when they fit a nasty  sleeve, see the results of that first FBA and binge on a fabric shopping spree. You often are witness to the generosity of sharing an obscure resource for a more obscure fabric or notion. You may even be sent that notion. These are the blogs I follow, the blogs I love to read and I find new ones all the time. Many new young sewists have the bug as bad as I do and who doesn't want to share passion?  It makes my heart feel good and hopeful about our next generation of sewists.  I will be updating my blogroll soon to reflect some new blog finds that I think you will enjoy. 

Again, in the spirit of the season, I am grateful for being a part of this grand community. Thank you  all and thank you for those tiny little flags, Penny.......................Bunny


  1. What a wonderful post! I agree, the sewing community is exceptionally kind and generous. How sweet that Penny sent you these flags in a variety of sizes to choose from. As you said, extremely thoughtful. :)

  2. I SO agree, Bunny! What a lovely act of kindness!

  3. How lovely! There are so many thoughtful sewers out there.
    The little jacket is for an American Girl doll? I used to make Alex clothing for her dolls and it was always her favorite present because none of her friends had one like it.

    1. Yes, it is for her American Girl doll. The number one thing on her list was a ski outfit for the AG doll that she got last Christmas. I told my daughter I would take care of it. At this point the suit and hat are done and this afternoon I have been playing with the boots. They look cute but I may trying something else not specified in the pattern to make them look more real. If I pull it off I will put it up on the blog.The boots are cute as the pattern has you do them so I have nothing to lose but time in trying another method. After that it is the goggles and then I'm done. To get the goggles a clear blue I took a vegetable blister pack and colored it with my blue sharpie. Then I blended it all with alcohol. It looks good but I just have to construct them. Fingers crossed. Making doll clothes is such fun.

  4. thanks for this upbeat reminder of all that's good!

  5. Such cute little flags. How nice of her!

  6. What a thoughtful gesture! I don't have such a tiny flag fact, I don't have ANY flag designs. I know Penny was happy to help you out. You're right...that is just how sewers are!

  7. Lovely present and I am sure you were so happy to receive it! With all the sniping and snarking out there, it is lovely to read something heartwarming today, thanks, Bunny.


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