Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The tiny ski suit

Back to sewing!  The little ski jacket has been fun. I've been alternating between the painted jacket and the ski outfit. What you see above is still awaiting bands on the sleeves and a wider one around the waist. I am going to put a flap under the zip as I don't like the space that will happen once that waistband is installed. For bias accents, and there's more on the back, I used a cotton print but added the blue dots with blue sharpie. I felt I needed to pull in the blue from the fabric into the trim. I looked at some dolly zipper purveyors but could not find a five inch separating zip so did my own. It's a bit out of scale but I think it will be ok in the end.

On the jacket front, I've decided on the edge treatment. I will serge all the edges and then do more decorative bias strip on top. I've used this before and it adds some stability and looks pretty good. I also added some raglan shoulder pads and that makes a big difference as well. I have to cover them. The cuffs of the jacket have been painted as well and have decided on a few design changes. I may have a sash around it and an uneven hem. I'm going for a soft sweatery look here. It's developing as it goes along, the way these things often do for me.

Wasn't Claudine's guest post wonderful? I think we all learned a lot and that video was great. Sometimes more experienced sewists get a bad rap, We DO want to share our knowledge and see the next generation of sewists get quality info and so many do on venues like Pattern Review and through blog comments. I thank all the stitchers out there who so generously share what they know with those less experienced and so willing to learn. We are here to pass on the passion to everyone interested in using a needle. Each one teach one! 

Here's hoping the current forecasted storm will provide a day off from work for sewing! Hope that happens to all of you who work in the Northeast outside the home. Stay safe and happy sewing!...Bunny


  1. What a cute little coat! I can't wait to see the full outfit.

  2. What a darling little jacket! Even though everything is in miniature, it packs a punch!
    Having Claudine share her knowledge and a video was super! Yes, many of us are older seamstresses but we still have a few tricks up our well fitted sleeves!

  3. Cute coat. I quickly browsed Claudines post (lack of time yesterday) and will certainly read it better and have a look at the video. It's great sharing the knowledge to a new generation sewists.

  4. Your little Sharpie dots absolutely add a big punch. One little girl is going to be thrilled!
    Claudine's post was great and much appreciated. Also appreciated is everything you do to add to the 'body of knowledge' the rest of us love to dig into. Thank you so much.

  5. I wish I could find such a cute ski jacket!!! You put Spider to shame :)

  6. Just finished the pants! I got my snow day and am on a roll. Now to start the hat!

  7. That is absolutely adorable!!! Bunny's Doll Clothes Workshop turns out some top-notch stuff!!! ;)

  8. Did you make your dolly dress form? My 9 year old grandson is making an armoire for his little sister's AGD clothes, for Christmas. I was showing him some outfits I had just finished and he said, "Gran, you need your own doll to try the clothes on while you're sewing them". Yes, I do or a cool dress form like that. Could I do the duct tape thing with a doll? Why not?

  9. How cute that looks, Bunny!! Just darling...she is going to be thrilled with this gift~~

  10. I'm assuming that is AG doll size? Where did you get the manequin? (Sorry about sp) My granddaughter sews and wants the "girl of the year" sewing studio for the dress form...not paying $175.00 to get a dress form!!! (comes w/other props, but she wants the dress form) The jacket is stinkin adorable!!!

  11. Miss Bunny...
    I have had a great time reading your blog and was inspired to begin sewing an outfit each month for my personal Addy "American Girl" because of your suggestion almost a year ago (remember?) encouraging readers to join you in the journey.

    When I was young, I could proudly brag my Barbie doll was the best dressed in my neighborhood, so after my niece outgrew the Addy I purchased for her, I had no other girls to sew doll dresses for (three grandsons since then!), so I gravitated toward this journey. This past year has been fun, and my journey will be documented in a future post, including my Addy's trip to the hospital for a 'tune-up'.... (smile)....

    This note is just to provide you with a source I found for the 5" separating zippers you were looking for. Although it may be too late for this particular project, you could stockpile a few in different colors from the many things offered on the website:

    I continue to look forward to your blogs...


  12. I totally love this! So darling cute!


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