Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday Words

"Jeggings cannot replace a well-cut pair of pants, but 

on rack after rack, lycra has triumphed over 

tailoring."............La Duchesse on Passage du Perles

Wednesday Words are quotes gleaned from the internet, blogs, books, newspapers and more. They are never my own words. They are not my opinions but merely comments written that made me go "hmmmmm,,,,,,,". Some may be provocative, some may not. Some may be my opinion, some may not. My goal is to start a conversation among followers of this blog and hopefully learn as we share our thoughts. I know you will do so respectfully and intelligently and  I thank you for that. 


  1. Hi there Bunny,

    I think my comment will be understood. For someone who is quite the chatterbox I am SPEECHLESS!!

    Well, not quite. Oh dear, no no no on so many levels. Bring back smart tailored gentlemen.

  2. I know you are in the UK, Marysia so a little explanation. This is Conan O'Brien, a comedian and late night TV host. He donned these for a laugh and a commentary when they first hit the market. They are awful.

    La Duchesse is right about clothing and fabrics all being "cut" as in extended with a synthetic fiber, Lycra. My guess is it's cheaper to produce more lycra than use all natural fabrics in a garment so the stretch continues. Frankly, I am tired of pants, whether I have purchased them or made them, bagging out. I am ready for tailored trousers big time!

  3. The Conan O'Brien photo is comedic perfection.

    Solo fitting is the last frontier for me and will probably remain so, despite reading countless books and taking many courses. Definitely a work in progress. The quick and easy escape from my woven fitting conundrums is always knits, so I sheepishly admit that I succumb to them just to reassure myself that I can still crank out RTW worthy clothing.

    It's a challenge to pull off the leggings/jeggings ensemble without looking like Conan or a court jester, especially if your height is less than 5'6". Renaur and L'Or make quality leggings/jeggings that do not bag out in the knees or fall to low at the waist. Leggings are easy to sew, but sourcing the fabric is the challenge and most of the time it's more cost effective to buy them.

    If Conan had been wearing a slimming tunic with an asymmetrical hem, mid heel booties, a shave, and a long wrap he would have nailed the look!

    One day, I will reach fitting nirvana and will wear only beautifully tailored wovens.

    Thanks Bunny for the laugh!

  4. Won't we all! Love your visual of Conan being properly dressed in his jeggings!

  5. People are often confused when I tell them that I don't like (abhor really) stretch wovens (on my bottom half especially).

    It totally contributes to the wasteful purchasing too, IMO. I can wear pants at least twice before washing (if my lunch didn't take a dive) and jeans a few times. Not with Lycra! You wear them once, you need to wash them to restore the fit, they're washed FAR more often than other clothes, they live a short life as they start to pill, fade, develop holes, etc.

    /rant on
    And side note that for me, leggings are a layering piece -- to be worn under a tunic or dress -- and I would like to no longer see every nook and cranny of the female genitalia because they believe leggings = pants.
    /rant off.

    1. I agree with your rants, especially the revealing leggings worn as pants!

    2. You are so right, SCC. They seem to bag out by lunchtime and they sure do get washed more than any garment should, then they "fail". They are a waste of money. I have the burns to prove it!

  6. I think there is a place for both leggings and tailored pants, but unfortunately your words this week are correct: Lycra is everywhere. I am not one who is comfortable wearing leggings, unfortunately. I have a few pairs of cords and ponte pants with Lycra that are quite comfortable. SCC is right, that most need to be laundered to restore fit, although I do have some that last several wearing a without bagging,

    I will say, that the older I get, the more comfortable the Lycra is, especially around my middle!

    1. Sister and I were talking about the expanding waistline issue just last night! Her friend's solution to tight-waisted jeans is to slice them through, then secure with a rubber band for stretch! jenmiller

  7. Conan O'Brien is a very brave man! jenmiller

  8. All leggings and jeggings should be covered with a long top or tunic...if we remember little phrase: Lycra Loves will remember to cover up your lady parts with a tunic and avoid the camel toe look.

    1. You always have a way of telling it like it is, Mrs. Mole!

    2. I'd never heard that phrase but OMG! Hahahahahaha! I love it!

      One of our middle schools around here had parents up in arms when the principal banned leggings and yoga pants. I say kudos to him!

  9. I think leggings/jeggings are ok if styled like previously mentioned (long tunic, etc).

    My problem with lycra and other stretch fabrics is that people seem to have forgotten that, just because a garment will stretch around your body, doesn't mean it fits.

  10. I have seen too many people who think "if I can get into it, it must fit". A recent example was at a retail store when I saw a young woman in leggings so tight nothing was left to the imagination! =:o

    Perhaps one reason for the trend is tailored clothing doesn't have as much give, so, quelle horreur, one might have to go up a size or two.

  11. I think lycra leggings worn as a garment shows a form of laziness - leggings, tshirt, done. I hate this look and agree with everyone above. Dare I say that the super obese do not shine in this look??? especially without a dress? I guess price is a big factor - leggings are cheap - and they look it.


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