Sewing Vloggers

Monday, February 13, 2017

Bag Hardware

What you see above is a bag fresh from the thrift shop. I paid fifty cents for it. The hardware will be removed by cutting the bag apart. Then I will clean and  polish up what is clearly very dirty hardware and add it to the collection. 

I like to keep as much of the hardware as I can in little plastic ziplocs otherwise the pieces will scratch each other. I also buy hardware as well. Here are a couple of resources:

That nasty bag I just showed's why I bought it:

Is this not the coolest? It is a key fob permanently installed into the interior of the bag. I love it, snake chain and all. I would put one of these in every bag I make if this were available. Hmmm,,,,I think I need to talk to my resources, don't you? 

I have been busy with the fur backpack and it is nearing completion. I have learned that I really need to hand baste seams for the machine to give me accurate seam allowance widths. 

Above you can see how I shaved the fur off off the body of the bag. That is because I decided to add two slip pockets on the exterior and it would be too much bulk otherwise. I have learned that many furs are backed with knits, so really need some substantive interfacing. I've added Peltex all over most of this bag and like the effect. It gets much more shape this way and otherwise it would be a sagging ball of fur. I've also found hand basting is critical to deal with all the layers of fur/lining/suede. This has a nap, albeit much longer than a velvet, and needs that security of basting just like a piece of velvet. Binder clips and/or pins are fine but this really needs to be handbasted. I am liking and enjoying this so much I may make another with a different fur I have. We'll see. Spring will probably call first! 

I would normally have the bag complete at this point but I am remodeling a bathroom, pretty much  on my own. My husband is not in a position where he can help me physically and I really don't want to spend 14,000.00 for this, the cost of my last bath redo. So I am pretty much on my own here with lots of wonderful feedback and encouragement from him and that's great. I have spent the last three weekends working on the bath and then sewing. I ripped out aging ugly wallpaper. Remember Venetian plaster, as in faux wallpaper? I swear I will never wallpaper again. Then it was remove the glue from the walls with two days of work and two different cleaners. That brought us to today which was mudding the sheetrock and letting it dry. Next weekend will be sand and remud as needed then hopefully start to paint. While we have a pretty good idea of what we want for knobs, paint, faucets, etc.....we will go shopping next weekend for all those goodies and see what sticks. It will be a four day weekend for us so hopefully we can make some major headway on this project. I definitely want it done soon so I can concentrate on other distractions. I will keep you posted and hopefully will have that bag done soon. I am really liking the results so far.......Bunny


  1. I heartily agree with you on wallpaper! Contact paper is also on my list. When getting our mom's house ready for sale, we had to remove the old contact paper she had on every shelf in the house. It was a real challenge to find something that would remove the residue without permanently marring the underlying surfaces.

    That is good progress on the bag! JoAnn's has a sale on their fake fur coming up, so I will at least get that part out of the way.

    Your tips and suggestions on this project have been very helpful.

    1. I'll try and go into more detail when it is all complete. I did have a couple issues with the pattern itself and will share that too.

  2. I'm a fair Jane of all trades, so if we're closer I'd help out with that bathroom. Never mind, I need to finish painting the ceiling in our son's bathroom now. LOL. Disc problems in my neck have me procrastinating. Installing new faucets, knobs, light fixtures and such sounds more exciting! Can't wait to see the backpack!

    1. This morning before work I did a second coat of mud on some areas. My fingers are aching today!

  3. Not only are you wrestling with the faux hides of beasts, your beating a bathroom into submission! That is super woman-worthy.

    Fascinated by the reclaimed hardware from the old bags. I never imagined that it would be feasible to remove the hardware and salvage the various prong etc. that have been used to fasten them to the original bags. Are some of them lost in the process?

    1. Actually, many pieces simply function as rings and buckles around fabric so aren't secure. Many are screwed in and that is why I bought those tiny screwdrivers. When I install hardware, it is screwed and glued. I use E6000. Ain't nobody gettin' my stuff! ;)

  4. Wow, not only can you sew so beautifully but wow, now you are tackling a bathroom. I was fortunate that DH was willing to tackle rooms of wallpaper...I called him the best stripper in Baltimore and Naples, Florida for all his heroic efforts.

    1. You never know when a good stripper will come in handy!

  5. Good luck with the bathroom! I too have been pondering fixing up my bathroom myself instead of paying such a large sum of money. We shall see back doesn't always cooperate. Look forward to seeing the bag. It is coming along beautifully.

    1. Tomasa, I know you have a big project with your home. If I remember right it was moved or lifted or something as a result of Sandy, right? I've given myself a thousand dollar budget and think it will be just right. Can't wait to show pics. I hear you on the back. I quite immediately when it starts twanging.

  6. OH are so talented and diverse! Pulling purse hardware off old bags to pulling wallpaper paste...years ago when i was working on old real fur coats I bought a leather/fur knife/blade. It looks like something to gut fish with but it sure did shear off fur like crazy and very close to the base/skin. The other thing I remember about soaking wallpaper paste off of walls using a garden sprayer filled with hot soapy water was the disgusting smell. I hope you are not overdoing things!!! Be sure and take a break and rub cream into your hands at night before bed!

    1. You are right about the cream. My hands were really aching today. I found my best remover was a bucket of very hot water with about a cup of vinegar and a half cup of Dawn. The two items separately didn't work that well but together were better than any thing else I tried.

    2. What a great tip, Mrs. Mole. Thank you!

  7. Try also for purse hardware. I haven't bought from him, but he has a good assortment.

    Bathroom renos - good for you! DH and I will do almost anything (he is a master plumber), but we are paying a pro to put in hardwood floors in 3 rooms in our new house. We did take out the carpet etc and prep everything, though!

  8. I clean everything around the house with half Dawn and half cheap and so clean! Wishing you lots of luck!

  9. I enjoy your posts, and don't always comment. Fab hardware you found, and collected! And I'm intrigued to see your final product on the fur backpack. Inspirational creativity. And, I look forward to seeing your b/r work. I have also done a lot of stuff on my house relating to walls and trim. Never been brave enough to tackle tiles....though def thinking about it. Scary!


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