Sewing Vloggers

Monday, May 28, 2018

New life, new look!

Hi, everyone! You have all been sorely missed as we made our way through this way too long journey. It started with making the decision to move back 350  miles to New Hampshire and family ties. Today I am  still unloading totes and setting up my sewing room. I feel with this return to sewing and to all of you through blogging, a new blog look was deserved. It is still being tweaked much so no judgie-ness, yet, anyway.

In the meantime I have so many thoughts spinning in my head that I want to share with you all that I am going to just stream the old consciousness and let it rip:

* Moving sucks, bigtime.
* Living close to family, in a totally rehabbed home on a lake in Central New Hampshire is divine.
* We are really happy here and having lots of fun and together time setting things up.
* I have a huge sewing space.
* Half the moving  truck, according to my eldest, was all my sewing stuff (embarrassed mom).
* I am almost done emptying totes.
* I have donated lots and lots.
* Yard sales are huge amounts of work.
* Moving is a huge amount of work.
* Hubs and I have watched way too may Chip and Joanna episodes as we lived in our tiny temporary apartment.
* We decided we could be Chip and Joanna, just not as cute.
* We had barn doors built and installed! Whadda I tell ya?
* Doing a whole house over really lets you give it a nice cohesiveness.
* May flies in NH are the spawn of Satan.
* I don't garden without my bug suit on.
* A few months back the neurologist suggested a new treatment plan for all my "stuff".
* I have been almost completely pain free for the first time in 12 years, allelhuiah!
* Did I say I loved Dr. M?
* Finding new docs when you  move sucks, too. Oy,,,,,,
* No opioids or narcotics. Won't touch that stuff.
* I do have too much fabric but I am mentally stable.
* I have become a member of a cult---Do you Instant Pot? No, you don't smoke it.
* I can't wait to sew.
* I am loving gardening again, even in my bug suit.
* Apartment living is not for us. Condos either.
* Hubs and I need our dirt.
* How do we always end up on the water when we have never, in our entire marriage, looked for water property?
* This summer Camp Poppaerniebunbunrunamuck will be open for all grandchildren. Bookings are being made now.
* I want to make cheese in my Instant Pot,,,,and jams, and meals, and cheesecake.
* What to do with all the velvets I have?
* Do you know what it's like to have opened your last tote/box and there are no sergers anywhere? ANYWHERE?
* Hubs found an unopened tote, two sergers inside. Hey, those totes all look alike.
* Serious sewing can take up a lot of space, if you let it.
* I REALLY miss my good friends in NY, REALLY LOTS..
* I am introverted, per my family.  None of my family is, just me.
* New home has a red metal roof. We are thinking dark gray paint.
* Have you ever fought over paint color? Worse than money.
* So many blogs have bit the dust since I started. I feel a blogpost coming re: that
* Love me some instant sew joy from instagram.
* Blogs have depth, can teach, and are work.
* I enjoy blog work.
*It feels good to be home.


  1. Bunny - so glad you're settling into your new house and that you will be sewing soon! I look forward to new sewing posts and you're right moving, packing and unpacking SUCK - glad you're almost done!

    1. Thanks, Carolyn. I've been following you all the time I was down and really enjoyed your posts.

  2. Welcome back!! Can't wait to get your new sewing room all set up!!

    Moving is pretty much the worse thing ever!

    1. Oh and I'm loving the new blog look too!

    2. Thanks, I 'm not sure about the header but we'll see.

  3. Oh, so glad you are back!! We moved last year and I retired. Now in the same town as the grands Love seeing them every day. My sewing space is so much smaller and split in two. I do not care as this is exactly what we hoped for in a home. Hope to see pics soon. Again, welcome back, we have so missed you.

  4. Welcome back, moving sucks. The last time that we moved, I had boxes of sewing supplies and fabric stacked up to the ceiling. DH was smart and kept his comments to himself. I'm still not sure why they stacked up the boxes so high.

    1. You must have been moved by the same people who counted my boxes and totes. ;)

  5. Welcome back! I've missed you. I really envy pain free, but am happy for you. Part of mine is hopefully temporary due to a broken ankle back in January!
    Enough of that I am getting back to sewing too, and just bought a new sewing machine! I am now the proud owner of a Bernina 740!
    What exactly does your bug suit consist of? We are in tick and mosquito land and it's a bitch to garden without being covered in spray and I hate spray.
    I have not moved in 32 years, and I still remember how much it sucked. I hope you got rid of lots of stuff and didn't move it! I can't wait to see photos of your new space.

    1. I did get rid of A LOT, Nancy. I am still doing a lot of donating too, as we get settled. I got my bug suit at the local hunting store but it is on Amazon. It is made by Coghlan. You have to buy the separates. They are very reasonably priced. They run huge but that is what you need . I got the smallest size for myself . I think they are sized for male hunters. When you wear them, dress very lightly, tank top and such as they get really warm. This bug suit has saved my sanity and kept gardening a pleasure. Congratulations on your new machine. I can't wait to see your new projects.

  6. I was just thinking yesterday how much I miss your blog & wishing you would start again. Wishes do come true 😊. Welcome back. Love my Instant Pot. Just made barbecue sauce in mine.

    1. Oh, you're in the cult, too! Nice to be missed. Thanks for the kind thoughts.

  7. Welcome back! I remember when the parents moved, dad groused about how much fabric mom moved. Then as she unpacked, the top layer would be fabric and everything underneath was his. All neatly contained in a box labeled 'fabric'!

  8. So good to have you back! You must have dreamed up a lot of projects in the time you were away from sewing.

    1. I kept focusing on the last few things I never got to make and will make them now. We were consumed with the selling/buying and rehab process. From decision to last week when my kitchen was finally done and I had running water took almost two years. We are settled now, for good!

  9. " I do have too much fabric but I am mentally stable." LOVE THAT!!!
    We ALL have too much fabric, and we are all mentally stable (most of the time!)

  10. I wondered what had happened with you. I didn't realise you were moving. I hope you get settled soon and back to blogging. I look forward to what you have to say about the downturn in blogging. I agree, it is a more considered medium, and does take time. Which is what I like about it!

  11. Very glad you're back to sewing and blogging. I missed your blog but yes, moving takes a lot of time and energy. Like Sarah in the comment above I look forward to read your take on blogging. Which as you know I'm still doing too as I like the possibility of showing and explaining details, not just the final result. There are quite a few blogs that I sorely miss, so once again, very happy you will continue!

  12. Great to see you return as too many blogs have disappeared from my reader lately. I like Instagram for the planning and in progress part of sewing, but nothing beats a good blogpost!

  13. Oh, how I have missed you and your posts. You are right, so many blogs have disappeared, so so so pleased yours isn't one of them.

    I imagine you are itching to get back to sewing, it must have been hard to have had everything packed up for so long.

    I have also joined the Instant Pot cult, I adore that thing beyond all explanation, my record for number of uses in a day is 5! It is IMO an essential tool when you cook for a vegetarian.

    Did I mention that I'm glad you're back?

  14. I am so glad you are back with us again, I missed your interesting posts, and look forward to future ones.

  15. Yay! I'm so glad to hear from you!

  16. So glad to see you again, Bunny!

  17. Welcome back darling Bunny. We have all missed you so very much. Wishing you and Ern much happiness and plenty of adventures in your new home.xx

  18. Nice to hear from you again! I agree about the moving sucks. I'll truly dread if I move again - my sewing /craft stash and the books exploded in quantity in the last 15 years, when we moved to this house. It expanded even more since I took over DS's room & closet after he moved out ( I *did* wait a few months before taking over). In our last house, I had very little space for stash to build up. I'm looking forward to reading about your new sewing room and projects.

    You can paint metal roofs !?

  19. So glad to see you again! We, too, were moving and uprooting from NY about the same time as you and have settled for the moment in Philadelphia while the hubsters completes Masters #2 (4.0 for the 1st year!) and then we're off to where ever the Doctorate takes us. No retiring for us... I sold off literally thousands of $$$ of fabric and sewing 'stuff' as we moved from a 3 story 3,000 sq ft Victorian to a 965 sq ft. IT WAS PAINFUL!!! Love my Instant Pot!!! The kids and grandkids now have to play 'catch-up' to see us! We are broke college 'kids' again and I am earning money teaching online. Best . Job . Ever. Glad to hear you are settling in and back to blogging. You have been missed!

  20. Welcome back! You have been sorely missed!

  21. Thanks, all of you, for the kind welcome back. Just this morning I was cruising a sewing FB page and was inspired to write a blogpost from it. The sewing world is never dull! Today I have my space all ready to sew, Yippee! Far from perfect and time will improve all but I can sit at the machine now and create, so very happy about it. I'll get pics of all. Expect little, it's functional, not pretty, but I want to share. Thanks again all for the warm welcome back. Missed you all.

  22. It was a pleasure to see your name in my inbox. Welcome back! Too much sewing stuff? Is that possible? I've told my family it is not ...

  23. Welcome back. Ditto what everyone else said. My hubs just retired 3 weeks ago and we have minorly discussed moving from our 3 level house to a ranch as we age and steps may get harder to navigate. After your post, MAYBE NOT. I told him maybe we would get one of those stair lift chairs. If we were to move it would be further from the grandchild, as they live right down the street now, so that is another factor to seriously consider. 33 years here so the thought of moving is both terrifying and exciting.
    Another Instant Pot enthusiast here. Need to branch out more tho.
    Camp Poppaerniebunbunrunamuck.......too funny and I love it.

    1. Our grandkids all go off to camp and this year in between they will come here on the lake. We'll do the kayaking, canoeing, craft things and it should be great fun.

  24. I’ve missed you and I’m happy you’re back. I have an instapot but need to learn how to use it . Cheers!

  25. So glad to have you back! I have enjoyed your blog greatly and always think of you when I use your hem technique [one you posted not long before your intermission] for my knit garments. I understand blogging is a lot of work but I appreciate it SO MUCH. Thank you for your knowledge, your skill, and. your efforts.

  26. Oh, Bunny! You have remained on my favorites toolbar all this time. Once a week or so I would check to see if your were back......and, now, ta da! Glad to hear that you slogged through all the decisions and transitions to the best ever! Can't wait to see what you are up to . I too miss many of the blogs that have faded away. Best to you!

  27. Such lovely thoughts from all. Thanks, everyone.

  28. I'm so happy you've come out the other side! You'd be surprised how often you and your joyful
    energy motivate me to get my rear in gear. Plus, I've turned out some lovely baby hems following your tutorials. Thanks for continuing to share your journey. Hopefully we'll see more of your lovely home dec projects. You've been missed! All the best to you!

  29. Welcome back Bunny! Chuckled my way through your list and I look forward to pics and posts...

  30. Wow! You certainly have been on a journey, Bunny, and so happy to see your post. I dearly miss your beautifully made garments and comments. Hubby and are in the midst of a major move now so I can relate to your culling. I'm afraid a big bulk of moving boxes are from my sewing studio - it's just what makes me happy - sewing and creating. Karen

  31. I am so happy you are back! And you are happy with your move! oxox


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