Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Life is good!

Dear readers: Oh, how I remember you all! We will connect regularly soon. So much has happened since our last time together and I thought it would be fun to update you on our transition and bring you into the excitement.

It's been 9 months since we last spoke. Much has changed. Much is looking good as my husband and I move forward to this next phase of our life. Do homes determine our phases? I think they do, starting with newlywed apartments and ending with downsized living and all in between. In a nutshell over the past months we have:

* Had a major, successful yard sale thanks to networking on the internet. It was Huge work but my heavens, we purged. We have no regrets. We made some awesome cash, enough to pay for a houseful of new appliances when we move.
*We sold our home in five days. Shockwaves ensued but we got out of there on time and are now living in a teensy, cute apartment which at this point has lost it's glow for me.
*Our plan to build the carriage house on our daughter's property was snob zoned to hell. There were so many roadblocks by her town that it was just impossible in the end. Their  town is adamant about not having any properties that could possibly be used as apartment rentals by the next owner. We gave up and went to plan B, which was fine and best in the end.
*After months of looking, pain in the ass, we found our new home. It is a dated mid century ranch in a lovely neighborhood and is a lakefront property. We are on the water once again and will have the wildlife reports returning! Bears and herons reside there and we have lovely views of the lake from large windows, but very private feeling.
*We hope to move by April but are doing major remodeling, all new doors, trim, floors, kitchen, painting, etc. It's been a fun challenge and DH and I have all the choices made and construction is proceeding. All this is being done while we still live in NY in our teeny apartment, yuk, states away. Our children are a tremendous help here and we have a property manager to oversee things.

So life is moving along. We are both still working here and going back and forth on weekends. It is a full schedule.

I HAVE HAD NO TIME TO SEW ONE SINGLE THING! I originally thought of how I could make sewing work in this apartment but have frankly, given up. Just too frustrating. Being in such a tiny space has made us get into field trip mode. We have no current house responsibilities like plowing, mowing, etc and no space to do anything else so we take field trips every weekend. That, dealing with our new home, and working at making decent food in a teeny kitchen have been how all spare time is spent. We so look forward to moving and getting back to what we love to do, both of us. My husband and I are homebodies, have always been. We are not partiers, golfers, skiers or travelers. We love to fix up our homes. We garden. We decorate. We plan projects. We work together with our ideas and separately with our individual skill sets. It is what we enjoy and figure around April we will be back in the saddle. Can't wait!

My decision to not write about moving details and angst continues. You do not come here for that sort of experience. So until this process is complete there won't be posts on how to lay out cabinets, budget with a GC or set back splash tiles. If something is nice I'll try to share photos later on up the road.  While we haven't knocked down walls this is a gut job in every other way, new floors, ceilings, walls, trim, lights, kitchen, doors, etc. The list goes expensively on. This is a smaller home in many ways but one with attributes our last home did not have. It is the right home for us.

In the meantime I am planning on updating the blog, freshening things up and getting back to communicating with like minded lovers of sewing, fashion, and  other creative passions. More to come on that. I am shooting for a clean, easy to read look. We will see what happens and any suggestions are appreciated. The blogroll will be updated as well.

I can't tell you how it warmed my heart to get emails from some of you asking about how things were going. You shared the excitement of your latest projects. You asked for sewing advice. We have had some great convos and I have seen some amazing work through the emails you've sent. Thank you for searching me out, for your caring, and sincere interest. Please be patient as we work through the last phase of our adventure. I am excited about getting back to blogging, sewing and a creative mindset. Life is good and we move on.........................Bunny


  1. So good to hear from you! I was just thinking about you in the past week and wondering how your move was going. I'm glad to hear that all is going well. It really is fun and exciting to plan and execute the redesign of a new home. Although, now that I think of it it may be a little like labor and delivery - it's much more enjoyable in retrospect than as you are going through it.

    I look forward to pictures of the new place, and to learning more from your sewing adventures.

    1. Your labor and delivery analogy definitely applies! Thanks, Kay for your thoughts. This has been a journey and we look forward to landing!

  2. YAYYYYYYY! So glad to hear from you, and glad your plans are progressing so well. I hope your new sewing room will be amazing!

    1. For now it will be functional, not pretty but that is OK. The other thing it will be is large, spacious and well lit with tons of outlets in the right places. The previous owner was an electrician. Great to hear from you to!

  3. Thank you for updating us and sharing all you are going through. Can't wait to hear more once you are settled. Jean

  4. Thanks for the update, look forward to future posts

  5. Bonnie it is so very nice to see you post. Thank you for the update and I am so glad you are doing well.

    1. Thanks, Faye. Your blog is one I have really enjoyed reading during this hiatus.

  6. So good to hear from you and to know that your plans are progressing well. I've been cheered to see your very occasional comments on others' blogs. Look forward to your blogging again!

  7. Thank you for the update, you have been missed. Keep positive, only a few more months to go.

    1. I know. It's been challenging but we will get through it. Moving twice is not my idea of fun nor this apartment at this time. But I have to put that aside and move forward. DH and I are really good at putting together a plan.

  8. You are having adventures! A house redone just how you want it sounds like a wonderful thing. Hope you have the best view from your sewing room!

    1. Hi, Vickie! That is the only downside with my sewing space, no window view. We have lovely views of the lake upstairs but my space will be in the basement. It is heated, has high ceilings, large, totally insulated, sheet rocked completely, lots of lights and ready to go. There is even a great work table and pegboard area that is quite nice. Ern is going to cut the table legs of the work table for me to be more ergonomic. Other than that it is just a matter of packing it all in there. This home has tremendous storage so the downstairs is pretty much mine. The room will be functional. Right now all my ideas for "pretty" are focused upstairs and as budget allows. My husband and I have no mortgage and want to try and pull this all off with our own resources. Sure hope that continues.

  9. So Glad to hear from you. I have missed your blogs and look forward for them to continue. You have been on an exciting adventure and am sure you are ready to be settled in your new home.

  10. Oh, Bunny, it was so nice to see a post from you! Sorry the new build on your daughter's lot didn't work but you've come up with a good solution. Hubby and I are just starting our journey to move closer to our youngest daughter so the hunt for a new home begins as well as selling and packing up the old so purging is active as you well understand. Please keep us all posted on your news. Karen

    1. I will Karen. Get ready for a fun ride! You wouldn't believe some of the homes we looked at, oh, my. You can definitely tell who got the "staging" memo and it makes a huge difference.

  11. Happy New Year Bunny! So good to hear that you are well and looking forward to your next adventure. I have missed your posts and look forward to the next one! Hubs and I have been tossing the "downsizing" idea around for a year or so now and know that we need to be more serious very soon. His health issues have made the current situation near to impossible. Difficult decision and I applaud your tenacity in going forward. Best wishes for the remodel and with Spring you will have a nice new start. Bravo!

    1. The health issue play largely in these decisions. DH had a horrible situation which really shone the light on things. As my grandmother always said, "God works in mysterious ways". This made the move critical and children and both of us all agreed. So the decision was made and we are glad about it. Moving to another state brings in work/insurance issues as well but we have those worked nicely at this point. Just say that to say and empathize that there is so much more involved in this decision than meets the eye for most families. Good news: hubby is great now and I am too so we move on.

  12. I was thinking about you Friday, and here you are! Sorry to hear your plans didn't work out. But so happy to hear from you. I have missed your posts. Lots.

    1. Thanks, Elle. We have no regrets about the original plan. We are such independents that this may be the best in the end. We are glad to be close to one daughter and within an hour from the other. It's all good.

  13. Oh - I just lost my comment. Just to say nice to hear from you and looking forward to the next installment. Love Kate

    1. Thanks, Kate. I have been enjoying your blog in the interim.

  14. Have really missed your sewing advice and Wednesday Words. Good to know your plans are working for you and you will return soon.

  15. Oh, Bunny! I have thought of you so often and have missed your experience and words of wisdom and pictures of the river. I look forward to seeing more of you when the time comes. Happy New Year!

  16. Thanks for the update.

    Happy New Year!

  17. So happy to hear from you, Bunny! I have been checking in here every few weeks hoping to "hear" your voice. Glad you are moving forward, arduous as it appears to be. Anytime you feel the urge to write, I will be here waiting. Brenda

  18. Have missed your blog! Hope plan "B" moves quickly and you two are back in your nest ASAP. Best wishes.

    1. It's taking more time than I want but DH urges me to be patient. Thanks for the good wishes.

  19. I certainly missed you and so glad you wrote this update. Good to hear all is well and good luck in the next few months. Hope you get back to sewing soon (for your own pleasure, not ours, just blog when you're ready for it).

    1. Thanks, Sigrid. With construction, et al, we are thinking mid April will finding us settled and doing what we love to do. Fingers crossed!

  20. Glad to hear from you and that all is well. I love the idea of a mid century ranch that you can reno to suit you and your dh. Good luck with it. I take it that you will be close to your family which will be wonderful for you.

    1. We will be close to our daughters and grandchildren, Nancy, and are thrilled about that. They have been such a huge help in this process. As far as a ranch style home, that one floor living has tremendous appeal at this stage of the game. It's really important for my husband's issues. I can still bound up and down the stairs pretty well so my sewing room will be downstairs. Great to hear from you. Love reading your posts on PR. They are always so knowledgeable and pertinent.

  21. How wonderful to hear from you! Just last week I checked in here to see if you had been back, you hadn't! Things sound wonderful for you, that is great. I have joined Goodbye Valentino's 2018 Ready To Wear Fast.....over 1,000 members and we have all pledged to sew what we wear in 2018, with the exception of underwear,jewelry,shoes and handbags. I am also on a fabric buying fast, as I have several hundred cuts of garment fabric. Ugh! Take care and thanks for the update. Barb in Texas

  22. i am just thrilled to hear from you, I have checked often to see if you have posted anything. So glad everything is working out for you, and like sewing, all the hard work is worth when the project is finished! Can't wait to see your next post and would love to see pictures!

  23. Welcome back even if it's for a short one to let us know you're doing ok! We miss you and can't wait to read about your new home! So glad your and your DH are well!

  24. Hi Darling Bunny,

    Happy New Year to you and Ern. 2018 will be a spectacular year for you; filled with love and fun!!

    So wonderful to know that we will be enjoying your company on line again in the not too distant future. You have been so missed.
    Much love to you both. M.

  25. Thanks, Marysia. It's been nice to stay in touch on FB.

  26. I know Bunny, but life without La Sewista............longing to have you back.xx

  27. Congratulations on your ranch house! There were times in my life when I thought ranch-style homes were the the worst, ugliest things ever. But when we moved, a ranch was exactly what we wanted. Somewhat modern, but better (because older) construction, and all on one level. Never say never! Good luck on your remodeling and renovations.

  28. I'm so glad to see you post! I wondered how the move was going. I understand the snob-zoning issue. I live in a town that has no right all all to it, but unless you have the right last name, good luck getting any kind of variance. Can't wait to welcome you back 'home'. At least now you know that the whole tiny house movement isn't for you. :)

  29. I'm glad that things are moving in a positive direction. Your new home sounds ideal particularly as it is closer to your family (we plan to downsize and move closer to family in 2018.) I like the idea of your yard sale! Very successful! I look forward to reading your posts when you're ready.

  30. Every day when I check my blogs I always check yours, hoping for an update. So happy for both of you and know you are working hard to make your dreams come true.

  31. So glad to see this post from you and know that you are doing well. Yes, major construction is such an upheaval but it will be worth it in the end. All the best!!

  32. Hello Bunny! I almost missed your post - darn Feedly has a mind of it's own. I truly miss your posts and am happy to know you'll be back again soon. I'm still sewing bags thanks to you but still haven't tackled the NCW :)

  33. Oh, the ultimate wallet! You will be addicted the minute you try that pattern. You may want to check out the NCW Addicts FB page. There is some great inspiration as well as lots of great tips on how to do it. Thanks for checking in.

  34. BUNNY!!! Thank goodness you're ok and things are moving on!I had a niggling feeling things weren't going entirely to plan so am relieved that Plan B is a good one too. I'm not sure how I missed this post for so many days, or you would have heard from me sooner. All the hugs xo

  35. Thanks, Maryanne. I have been following and enjoying your blog through it all. Your life is so different from my own in so many ways but we are both such creative spirits and share much in common. It's great to hear from you.

  36. So wonderful to check the blog on the off chance of a post and here you are! Such a ton of hard work, but totally worth it. You will have a delightful home this spring.

    Looking forward to hearing that you've settled in! So happy, Bunny, that you and your husband are well.

  37. I have missed your posts so I am so happy to read this one! So glad Plan B has worked out well for you.

  38. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah - the joys of getting older and knowing you don't have to have all that stuff. After 40 years of a BIG yard, BIG trees, BIG pool and a BIG house, I suddenly looked at this and thought: "What am I doing here?" Well, that and aided by the fact that our local market was paying way too much for homes, and decided it was a primo time to you sold fast and for a very good price. The relief and freedom that came from the release of all that stuff. Now life is so much more manageable and so much more enjoyable! Great hearing of your exploits and can't wait to see the PICTURES of your new abode!


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