Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Street Style in February

February sucks. Every year I struggle to get thru it's cold and grey embrace. I imbibe massive amounts of Vitamin D, doc prescibed, and something all above the Mason Dixon line must need as much as me. But this is Fashion Week month as well. Photographers are out on the streets doing their thing and this year I am finding their results glorious. While I may not wear what I will show you, each photo made me smile while being smothered in grayness on the last day of this dreary month. So without further fuss, here are some pics from The Cut that brightened up my last day of winter depression.  It really seems that others have had with the cold and snow and are using color as their excape mechanism. Yay for that! The photos show trends and I will do a bit of commenting. Enjoy!

Is this not spectacular? This would wake up my winter blues!

Love the orange coat and the other big trend throughout this article is barrettes, everywhere!

Dreary gray, dirty snow, be damned!

Color, yes, but this should have left Mom's closet in 1990. 

My idea of killing the winter blues.

Dirty snow, just get outa my way!

The last thing I would think of when it comes to NY street style. 

Another great way to chase away the winter blues!

Barettes and bobby pins are in, in, in!

This beautiful woman really knows how to face a cold, winter day!

All of this has me planning my warm weather wardrobe. I really need a lot! More to come on that. I am still in the thinking stage. 

May you all enjoy the last day of February and Spring will be here soon. Thanks to The Cut for these photos. There is lots more on the site so please check it out....Bunny


  1. Nice photos, reminds me of Bill Cunningham, RIP! I'm sure he would have quite a few.

  2. I hate to break it to you Bunny .... one more day left of February. Sorry. :-( Love that first red/gold oombre coat/hat combo.

    1. I told you these winter doldrums mess with my brain. I think I just can't wait to get it over so move it up. Wish I were in Florida with you, but just for February.

  3. 65 degrees and daffodils blooming in Atlanta, so those photos make me feel hot! You're welcome to come visit.

    1. Sounds very inviting. My friend in Mississipi tells me her redbuds are blooming, sigh....

  4. I'm still busily making wintery things, but have been foiled this week by a totally unseasonable blast of warm weather. Today is grey and wet again though, so I feel more at home! Brits don't trust sunshine...

  5. I am in SC and it has been gray for weeks so I get it. Vitamin is also prescribed down here. We use so much sun screen that we need it.

  6. Thanks for the colourful pictures, less so for the weather reminder as we embrace the first day of Autumn today. Ombre coat looks fabulous would have been love without the fluffy collar and cuffs.


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