Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Kam Snapper & Me

 Kam Snapper, where have you been all my life? As a lover of all things sewing notion, this toy has eluded me. In my pad making journey, I ordered the set up you see above.  What fun! It's the most basic model and you can get it on amazon for roughly 20 dollars and that includes the tools and all those snaps.  My new toy arrived and my husband immediately showed me the pockets on two beat up nylon jackets that he wears outside a lot for yard work. They had big sagging pockets and he asked if I could Kam Snap them. I did and he is mucho happy with the results. I have found the Kam Snapper easy to use and it does not take much strength at all. Actually, if you press too hard, you can ruin the snap. 

If you really get into Kam snapping, which could happen with production bag or pad making or even lots of jacket repair, the two snappers above take less effort and are the more costly. Frankly, the basic squeeze model takes little strength and is fine for my  needs.  

You can even get decorative Kam Snaps if your tastes lean in that direction. What little girl wouldn't love unicorn snaps?  One thing about the snaps, you go through them like water after a marathon. Luckily they are available at the chains so no problem with access and like everything else in America, you can get them on Amazon. 

I will be using these on my pads, what most people use. Those pointy things crush flat into each other making the snap a smooth flat connection. They are comfortable. While they look a bit obtrusive, you have no idea they are even on your pad once you are wearing them. There are  loads of videos on Youtube out there for help on installation and all things Kam Snap.  There is even one on how to take out Kam Snaps without ruining your piece of clothing. I've already used that knowledge! You all know I have no affiliations on this blog so this is just a review from a happy customer. I found Kam Snapping fun!............Bunny 


  1. Well that sounds wonderful. I actually own one of these babies, as I did a short stint repairing cloth diapers and making little slipper boots for the grandkids. They are very easy to use. Now I can dust it off and give it a try for making pads.

  2. Yes, I have one of these and it is a godsend! I use it on everything - bibs, toys, clothing - you name it, I've tried it. Its awesome!!!

  3. I have one of the large ones that you pull down as if you are pulling a pint of beer. Have not used it in years. I guess I will have to learn again in what order the press studs are arranged in order to snap together. Must give it a go. Would come in handy on so many projects.

  4. Thank you for this blog Bunny. Yours are always so informative. It is timely as I gather supplies for my next project - a windbreaker for golfing which requires 18 sets of snaps. I am willing to pay the price to end up with quality snaps since they are important to the “look” as well as functional. The sleeves can be unsnapped to wear windbreaker as a vest. Would you recommend this these snaps for my use?

    1. Definitely. They are very sturdy and very easy to install. There are numerous videos on youtube showing you how. I found once I got my momentum going they went really fast with installation. They take no effort. It's a great addition to your notions basket.

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