Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Flower Power Overalls and Padapalooza......

This photo is courtesy of Tala Cloth Pads. Mine are somewhat different. 

.....won't be happening for a bit! I have two posts ready to go but totally pointless without pictures. I've taken lots of pictures but since the latest Windows update I am unable to load them or anything else onto the computer. I am so frustrated. I have tried everything I can think of and am ready for the Geek Squad unless someone out there can give me a magic potion to fix this situation. In the meantime...........

Thoughts on the Pad Production: 

 I love them. I spent three days working out the pattern to fit me and be just right. I watched numerous Youtube videos like this one:

There are lots of ways to go about sewing these. What I saw in a lot of videos was overkill. Then I saw a video that worked for me and decided that was my method. That particular Vlogger really worked out the simplest and nicest way to make the pads. I tweaked it a bit. I can't wait to show you all as it is simplified sewing, quick and easy. You don't need a serger, either. I have found these VERY  soft and comfortable. They are definitely worth making.
 ETA: Please be aware that discussions of my pad making will certainly include very frank discussion of female hygiene and such. I welcome comments that are equally frank. If it makes you uncomfortable, I am fine with that and feel free to move on. If not, let's share. 

Thoughts on the Flower Power overalls:

I am finished and I like how these came out. I found they needed a belt to look best on me and are what I would describe as "cute", not particularly boho or artsy, but fun. Angst set in over hem length but in the end full length looked best despite the fact that I really wanted the high ankle length to work. It didn't. I think I may wear them for Thanksgiving day with a white turtleneck. That sash belt will come in handy for adjusting after the big meal!

In both projects I will have a full review and particularly in the Pad post will go into lots of detail on construction and my experiments on what did and didn't work. Thanks for your patience....Bunny


  1. After being appalled at how much plastic is in regular pads, I have been wondering about making them too. I am long past my period days, but I wondered if they would work for mild bladder leakage. I had the surgery but it didn't take, so I have been getting pads at the store...but the waste is bothering me. Do you have any thoughts?
    PS Love your painted fabric for your overalls.

  2. Thanks for responding. I am of a certain age and have had the "mesh" surgery and removed the prolapsed uterus, glad for all that. It worked for years but I am starting get a bit of occasional unpredictable "stray tinkle" as I call it, just a teeny bit. Another big reason I use the mini pad/panty liners is I use a moisturizer, Replens, which I like very much, and it can produce discharge. So I hear you. I think you would really like these pads. I've tweaked them so they work but are really minimal bulk. Some patterns out there are crazy bulk, even for minis. They are so nicely soft too. You can also use PUL, a waterproof layer, and other wicking products out there. I'll get more into that with the post on construction and all. Thanks for the comments on the overalls. The finished product really rings of the Age of Aquarius!

  3. Looking forward to the pad discussion. I started to get into it after making period bags for my grandnieces, but got bogged down, got (mildly) sick, got distracted, and sidetracked. They are coming for thanksgiving weekend, and I would like to tell them and my niece that I will readdress the issue. We all hate the waste, both money- and landfill-wise.

    I don't really have any major health issues, at least not anymore, but I've had a whole lot of various abdominal surgeries over the years, most of the "lady parts" are gone, as well as a lot of other stuff. As a result I do have mild incontinence problems. I tried out a pad of my own design, but it wasn't really very satisfactory. Therefore I really look forward to reading your discussion after all the cooking, visiting and laundry of Thanksgiving house guests are over!

    1. Thanks, I appreciate your patience. In the meantime I have a couple of posts I will do that will use pics from the web.

  4. Looking forward to your pad post, too. Now that I've reached a certain age, if I laugh hearty or sneeze my panties know it. Wearing pads but not happy with fit or waste. These really intrigue me.

    1. Yes, it seems once we hit a certain very young age we are never far from some sort of feminine hygiene product. It just changes as we age.

  5. "I am of a certain age and have had the "mesh" surgery and removed the prolapsed uterus, glad for all that. It worked for years but I am starting get a bit of occasional unpredictable "stray tinkle" "

    Yep, ditto, you are describing me exactly. Very much so looking forward to your post of these pads. Yikes! How sad is that when we get so excited over a post on feminine hygiene products.

  6. Looking forward for your pad post - at our own time. I've used cloth pads (made by a friend who sold these) over the years on and off and last year, I went back to them full time after some hormone issues - life's so much better. Might make some for myself one of these days if I find an easy method.

  7. At first, the idea of these kind of creeped me out, but knowing I use a panty liner a day for lbl I began to feel a certain responsibility for all that plastic. I'm all ears Bunny, thanks for doing this.

    1. I think environmental consciousness drives a lot of this decision. I finally got my camera situation fixed and will have the tutorial up very soon.


Engaging commentary:

Close to being stumped with this one!

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