Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


This is what it looks like  when you are so into your sewing that you can't be bothered to  go upstairs to the bathroom and clean your cut and get a bandaid. It's just a nick from the rotary cutter as I was waving one hand and not paying attention with the other. Bled a fair amount but not bad. I did get it cleaned up eventually and all is fine today. Wouldn't any sewist do it this way first? 

I've been working on my linen jacket , which has no lining. I decided to use Hong Kong seams. I also decided to finish the sleeve with a band  that was on the fold and therefore a double layer of linen. Now what do I do about those seam allowances? Luckily I left the strips of bias long and when it came time to finish up the HK seam allowances, I trimmed them a bit to reduce bulk and then just tucked them under. I did some tiny hand stitches around the bottom and corner and tadah, everybody's happy! More to come..............Bunny.


  1. OW! Glad it wasn't too bad. Love your jacket innards!

  2. Sorry about your boo boo. I'm anxious to see your linen jacket. Sometimes you just want to omit the lining. I've made several jackets just using an underlining and finishing the seams. Karen

  3. Been there, done that! Masking tape holds muslin scrap-bandages well, too. :-)

  4. Hi Bunny; I really enjoy following your work! I giggled at the photo of your "band-aid". I have a lecture, "Quilting is a Contact Sport!", and I include a slide on sewing injuries. May I use your photo with attribution? It's hysterical and we all can relate. Pls let me know your thoughts on that.

    1. I am fine with that and thank you for the attribution. It made me laugh as the long green ravels reminded me of those dancing characters in one of the Pixar movies I saw with my grand kids. I just have to paint some eyes on the tape!

  5. I finally put band aids in the sewing room. I used to just wrap a paper towel around the cut. Your solution is so much more interesting!


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