Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Covid Garment #4, Musings, Masks, and Milestones

I have to show my basement studio. Nothing has changed but I have given it some serious cleaning and organization. I have folded and touched every piece of fabric I own which frankly isn't the giant stash I know so many of you own.  However, I am now so inspired. I admit, mask making took the happies right out of me and I just had to walk away from my machine for a bit. I have read that many others feel the same. I have never been able to be happy making two of anything, never mind  about fifty but when it is part of such a life altering situation that makes it even more painful. I was glad to make the masks for family and friends. I really felt I needed to take one for the team and so dove in.  I did three different versions and assorted varieties of ties and filters. I won't get into it as I know you are probably making them yourself and have read all that's out there already and as I've said I am done. Why such finality? More later.

In the first pic you can see my latest garment, a very simple to construct gathered skirt made without the benefit of a pattern. And directly above is the fabric which I adore. It s a rayon challis in various shades of purple-y periwinkle. Like all good challises (?) it drapes beautifully and is a delight to wear. I won't get too deep into the construction as it is simply a full width  of fabric, 60 wide, cut to length desired. A casing was put in at the top edge, an inch and a 1/4 non roll elastic inserted and the top edge topstitched. The skirt was machine hemmed and it's single seam, straight up the center back, had serged edges. Done! I had enough left for a scarf and used the Kenneth King hem to finish the scarf's edges. You can find a tutorial for that method in the right sidebar under "Tutorials".  Right now it is still cold out and this eyelet shirt was really the only thing in my closet at the moment that looked good with the skirt. I will probably wear this a lot and with a tank top, that is if we ever get a warm day around here! It was really cold out while taking these pics!

And for the front view:

Now,  as to why I am done with mask making..... I've done a few things to help alleviate the anxiety that has become a daily visitor to my life since Covid19 has saturated our world. It's just everywhere, at every turn, in every conversation, on everyone's mind.  I was suffering anxiety like I haven't felt in years and decided I had to be proactive. Sewing did not help. While it would put me in the zone for a bit, the big "A" still did its haunting.  I made changes. changes that have really worked for me. 

I make sure I grab sunshine and get out and walk a couple miles every day I can. If not, I put on music while I sew and dance away when the spirit hits. 

I do my best to watch only our very local TV news for a bit in the morning. If I really need to know anything that important, they will filter it through for me. I am a recovering cable news junkie, no more. This alone has had a major positive impact on my mental health. 

I have cut people from my life who live and breathe the current political situation. I even agree with some of them politically.  I just don't need this input in my life right now. 

I have blocked people on FB who put up political realities as well as lies as I don't want to hear either right now. Some are just FB friends, others are people I love and have known for years. I do not need this stress in my life. I cannot tell you how this act alone has reduced the stress and anxiety I have been feeling. I will not give a website that power over me. I still go online to forums and even FB but now all I see are people sewing lovely garments, asking for help which I can offer at times and cheering each other on positively.  I see friends and family who are showing me pics of their babies, fabulous breads they've made and such nice things. I am letting positive in my life. It's not as easy as you think and does require assertion. 

I am calling friends and extended family I haven't spoken to in a long time and trying to NOT talk about the virus but about them and their lives. Those have been really positive talks. some just really special. I have heard from others, even the very young, how much they are enjoying long talks on the phone and face time. I am too. 

My husband is the light of my life. We are celebrating our fiftieth anniversary this past week. While it was nothing whatsoever as planned our children made it one helluva socially distanced pile of awesome, something we will never ever forget and that could not have happened any other way. It was unique, crazy, creative, and did not include one single hug but the love that spilled over through all of us  was like a flooded river that no amount of sand or silt could hold back. 

So I am doing much better now. I take things one moment at a time. Going through my fabrics has given me lots of plans and ideas that I intend to get on soon. I still have a bit more organizing in store first but I see some pretty things coming up. I have some really nice fabrics and had forgotten that! I have much to look forward to. 

I want you all to know that I am thinking of you and all the challenges you may be facing, whether it's the actual illness, the difficulty of social distancing, loss of income,  being in the home with so much family or just the fear that has been in our faces for some time now.  If you are an essential worker, I praise your courage and strength and thank you for your service. You are a saint.   I hope you all can find some ways to find a bit of calm,  a time of peace, all of you. Bless you all........Bunny


  1. Hi, Bunny. Enjoying your posts and like you, I am over mask making. I find it mind-numbing and soul-sucking but I'm an essential worker in a senior community and I've made over 160 for the staff. I know I need to make something creative and lovely for myself so I don't forget why I love to sew! Soon...

    1. You are one of our heroines on so many levels, the masks and serving our our most vulnerable. Thank you so very very much. If you look at my shelves of fabric there is relatively little there but what is there is really nice, mostly linens and wools and a few nice knits. I really got inspired going through it all and it made me feel very hopeful. I hope you get the chance to make something lovely really soon. You certainly have earned the chance. Thank you again for your service.

    2. Thank you for your kind thoughts, Bunny.

  2. Hi Bunny, you expressed how I'm feeling better than I ever could have! I'm no longer sewing masks but I do put out kits for others to sew for local health care providers. This has cleaned out my stash of fabrics that were never gong to be used or were really a burden! I've got a pile of UFO's and I'm working my way to the bottom, but I really, really miss my children and grandchildren. Other than missing them this could go on for a while before I'm bored. Thanks for your thoughtful expression of what many of us are feeling, I was feeling selfish for not sewing masks all day every day.

    1. As my mom use to say, "you've done your duty to God and country." Give yourself some breathing room and enjoy the return when it is time. I cleaned out my odd quilter's cottons too. It was good to see them go to a good cause as I knew I would never use them for much else.

  3. Cranking out masks every day and vegetable gardening is keeping me sane while April brides have cancelled or postponed their weddings.Like many small businesses that have been closed by order of the Governor of our state, my income is now at zero. I can't do fittings online or keep a safe distance but up until now all brides had their temp taken, wash their hands and made to wear a mask. Sewing for myself is not something I can even bring myself to do so I am so happy that I can follow along with your creations and join you in restricting the current vomit of bad news. Things we took for granted like dropping into a store to pick up something quick or roaming the aisles of the local DIY warehouse have been taken away not to mention personal treatments like haircuts and dental visits...thinking about your daughter the dentist too and my eye doctor and facial and massage therapists...all wages down to zero. We all have to be optimistic and imagine how nice it will be when some order is restored and our overworked health workers and staff will get a well deserved rest from such dangerous shifts.

    1. You mention those taken for granted dropin to the fabric store. Oh, my, did I realize I was addicted. I may not have bought much but those visits seemed to fuel me. I REALLY miss them and can't wait to get back to touch fabric and roaming the aisles. You also mention hair cuts, please don't. Mine is so stinkin'bad. My husband gave me a cut a couple of weeks ago, first time ever. That helped a bit but I am one of those people whose hair grows like dandelions and it is just looking awful. The pics above took major effort and lasted minutes. I can't wait to get back to a decent "pixie" cut. My daughter is only doing emergencies but her practice as is her husbands, separate one, ar both closed. She is baking a lot and doing some charity work with her daughter as per usual but a little more.

  4. Thank you for such an uplifting and inspiring post.

  5. I am also done making masks. I made 2 for each family member, one to wear and one to wash, and then checked with a few people I know who I felt might need them--a hospice worker, whose husband has Parkinson's; a friend with an unnamed illness, I suspect cancer; the parent of one of my former students whose husband is on daily dialysis. I really dislike this kind of sewing, and I'm glad I could help out, but unless some dire need arises I am done. Today I'm cutting out a tunic/shirt...although where I will wear it right now is the question!

    1. Isn't that the conundrum. We will be the best dressed people around when this is over. My wardrobe is certainly building.

  6. That fabric for that skirt is gorgeous. I am only sewing masks for family now if they ask. Mind numbing and depressing.
    We cancelled cable 2 years ago and have not missed it. I stopped watching the news and some might say my head was in the sand, but my angst over world happenings was blissfully dissipated. My hubby was out of town taking care of his sick brother when all this covid stuff started. I had no idea until I went to the grocery store and it was crowded and the shelves were bare. I was dumbfounded. So now I am watching a little news in the morning. But just a little. It has struck close to home. My daughters boyfriend had a seriously bad case and was in the hospital for more than a week and for about 3 days we thought we were going to lose him. He is an ER doctor. He is GREAT now (his words) but not back to work yet. He is now in touch with an infectious disease doc and the Red Cross to give his plasma with the antibodies which they are testing to see if it works on other seriously ill patients. We are so happy that he pulled through this and so proud that he is doing what he can to help. My daughter never even got so much as a sniffle. Asymptomatic. Quarantined for 3 weeks. Easter was a bit too quiet this year without the family.
    Take care of yourself and stay in you basement and sew pretty things.

    1. Thank you, Garnet. I am so glad your SIL is OK. His services are so needed and if he is full of antibodies won't that be wonderful? The tracking of this virus is just so strange from the stories I have heard, hitting some family members horribly and others not getting it at all, despite close proximity. Scary. Take care.

  7. I've cut back on the news also, just a bit in the morning now. And I never did get on the mass mask sewing due to so much conflicting information on style and materials to use. Finally, I just picked one and made a few for immediate family and DS's girlfriend who works at WM. I'll make more if asked though.

    Your stash looks nice - it all looks well coordinated, unlike my stash with has too many "ooh pretty!" purchases. I fear my only thoughts were usually
    'is it washable?" and ?does it go with jeans?".

    1. Fur, Cottons and home decs, linens, knits, and on the floor totes for muslin and sheets and such, all on the left, shelf by shelf. On the right we have bottomweights and denims and shelf below is all 100% wools. In between hanging are silks and velvets. That's it. I refolded each piece to move the fold lines. I do that every now and then. I find handling the fabric and rearranging it always brings on a flurry of ideas. Stay safe.

  8. Thanks for this post, Bunny. I am sewing masks for our community of mainly seniors and, so far, it has given me purpose. My daughter has urged me to stop if it becomes too much and I will follow her request when needed. Before making masks I made a few simple garments in lovely colored rayon challis. The texture feels so good on my skin. Your skirt is lovely. Karen

    1. Thank you, Karen. It is a lovely fabric and in the right colors pretty trans-seasonal.

  9. Opps I forgot to congratulate you on 50 years of marriage!

    1. Thank you. It's been an interesting, loving, rewarding ride!

  10. All those things. Limiting news has helped and sleep would be welcome!

    1. I wish you calm. It will come. The less news media I see the better I sleep. Take care.

  11. First, congratulations on your anniversary. That is wonderful. Second, Thank you for the wonderful post and last OMG I am so glad to see what a number of you all have written about making the masks. I am compelled to make them but I make so many mistakes and am not happy with them. I have been wondering why I was having such trouble. Thank you again for the uplifting and inspiring post. And I always love to see everyone's sewing space. Take care and stay well. Jean

  12. Every time I think I'm done making masks a good friend will ask for more for someone in their family and I can't refuse- ugh!
    Congratulations on your anniversary- my husband and I are a few years away from that- hard to believe!

    1. Thanks. It was a unique celebration but still very very special thanks to family.

  13. Congratulations on your recent 50th wedding anniversary! So glad to read your children were able to celebrate with you, even if it was virtually. Lovely skirt. The fabric print and color is so appropriate for spring. Stay healthy and happy!

  14. I have tried to encourage other people to look inside and figure out what they need right now, and do that! Can't spend hours everyday on homeschooling? DON'T! Can't spend hours listening to pandemic news? Don't do that either! It's all so much and it won't help to be shrouded in depression and anxiety. I'm so glad you've figured out a routine that is working. Hope that continues.

    CONGRATULATIONS on 50 years! That's incredible!!! And I love your new skirt. So bright and pretty.

  15. Thank you for voicing your thoughts on mask-making. It's good to know I'm not the only one feeling that way. I did 45 for a best friends business employees, and enough for my immediate family and another bestie. I will be satisfied if another one never crosses my machine. Sewing is my escape, I don't need this situation to follow me to my happy place. All my online sewing groups are inundated with mask posts, and they all seem so happy and chipper about it. I'd much rather work on a dress for my granddaughter.

  16. As always, Bunny, forthright, practical and heartwarming. Periwinkle is a favorite color so to see billows of it in a flowy skirt makes me happy. Congratulations on your 50th anniversary. Life is good when we relax enough to see the beauty, inside and out.


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