Sewing Vloggers

Friday, July 29, 2022

It was about time!


I recently decided that I needed to make two lists to keep myself focused. I needed a "Need to Sew" list and a "Want to Sew" list and as you can imagine, they varied substantially. The above project is way overdue and was tops on my "Need to" list. I needed to redraft my pants sloper. I figured I have been working from my original pants sloper, derived from a Sure Fit Designs Pants Kit, since about 2015 or about.  My body has changed substantially since then. Three years ago I moved and left a job I held for seven wonderful years. One of the perks was working in a magnificent old library that looked like it came from a Harry Potter movie set. It required that I go up and down three flights of stairs all day long, countless times, with stacks of books in my arms. To say this kept me in shape is an understatement. We library employees ALL had great legs, no getting away from it. Our job kept us quite fit. Alas, the ADA caught up  with our building and when I was leaving the architects were in there figuring out how to install an elevator in this historical beauty. I moved to New Hampshire, retired, and despite walking and exercise, haven't found the equivalent  of hauling 30-40 pounds of books up and down stairs all day. While that felt like a pleasant break and gave me lots of time for creativity, my booty sagged and eventually disappeared. Also in that time, I started treatment, successful, thank heavens, for years of nerve pain and migraines but it made me lose weight. I am on a constant battle to keep my weight up to this day. I am getting better at it. When I took out my summer clothes this year, it was time to face that none of my pants or more snug clothing options fit. Top on my "Need to Sew" list was to redo my pants sloper and I finished that project today. 

In the kit were all my original measurements I had taken. Waist, down a half inch, high hip down a half inch,  full hip down two inches, yikes,  crotch measurements exactly the same despite booty going down. Interesting, huh? 

I decided to pull out my Sure Fit Designs Pants kit. It had been a long time but I was glad I did. 
Making the pattern is not hard at all once you have your measurements. You simply find the dot next to your measurement numbers and then connect them. The instructions are very clear. The red arrow in the picture above points to what looks like a bar on the paper under the tissue. It is actually all the dots for each different measurement possible. They are tiny but visible. 

Next was tracing it all on to tissue and there are no seam allowances. 

I then used the tissue to draw the pattern out on oaktag and add the seam allowances and details, all a pretty simple process. I started yesterday afternoon and finished early this morning. I was so intimidated when I first got this kit but that was really ridiculous as it is quite simple to use and it took far less time than expected. 

I put the kit away and now have my basic pants pattern with a fly extension and some notes attached and ready to go. I made a muslin already as well and must say, the booty fits great. I have been really pleased with this product and used it with many a pattern for fit as well as on its own the past few years, well worth the investment. I like that it is not a one time wonder and that as your body changes you can just make another sloper. 

I made a copy of this page from Sandra Betzina's Power Sewing. I don't know if you have ever put one of these pants stays into your pants but they are wonderful and feel great. Highly recommend. 

I've also tried numerous fly front installations over the years and prefer Betzina's fly front as well. It is so easy and so quick, so a copy of that is with my personal pants kit as well. I am ready to go! 

Next step is to sit and go thru my pants patterns. I am thinking maybe something cute like these joggers, McCalls 8099. We shall see!

Happy Sewing!.......Bunny


  1. Dear Bunny
    So good to know you're doing well. Cathy

  2. Thank you! That need to sew list is long and much overdue. Getting the new pants sloper was #1 and now making pants is high priority. Thanks for caring.

  3. Glad you were able to get this pattern completed and ready for sewing journeys!

  4. I try to maintain those two lists as well. I can’t always sew for utility but don’t want to constantly add “for fun” garments either :)

    I love those joggers and glad you checked something off your list.


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