Sewing Vloggers

Friday, February 29, 2008

Got my mojo back!

That nasty cold left as fast as it came. I am back in the creative saddle with one garment nearly done and two others cued up. I am on the tail end of sewing a spring jacket for myself out of a new pale yellow matelasse bedspread. For the longest time I have lingered over these bedspreads at Home Goods, whipping them into jackets in my mind. Well the time has come, the color is right and so Spring-y too. I am using Simplicity 3843 but you wouldn't know it. The bedspread has beautifully stitched scalloped edges that I wanted to use for the collar and an ouside front facing. After fiddling with strips of the scallops on the near finished jacket, I canned that idea and decided to do a jewel neckline with no scallops and to put a scalloped cuff on the 3/4 sleeve. I think that look will be more flattering to my shape and less busy. The other way was just too foofy. So I am near done and pics will come as soon as I get my camera back from DD's, miles away. I hate the idea of shipping it as it is very pricey camera setup and I won't take that risk. So bear with me, sewistas, greatly appreciated.

Next in the cue is Simplicity 3662, an awesome little pattern. I have already made the piped blouse View B and now will try the jumper. A search on the Everything Sewing site for 3662will bring lots of pictures and inspiration. I have been wanting to make this jumper since these pics were posted. My fabric is a bright green and pink Monkey print and that's all I'm sayin'! Next in the cue is New Look 6333, another wannatry for a longtime. It is a darling kimono and pants and I have the most wonderful Kona cotton sateen oriental print to pull this one off. So lots going on here. I have been duly inspired and am working my plan. Wish you all the same!

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Close to being stumped with this one!

  Don't go shopping at quilt shops, even if they are the high end types like Quilted Threads of Henniker, NH. With tongue in cheek, I wi...