Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stitch in the Wha???

As I was coming into the home stretch on my "bedspread" jacket, it occurred to me that there are many names for the process I was doing. I call it "stitch in the ditch" but have also heard it called "crack stitch", "ditch stitch", "stitch in the well of the seam", and maybe there are even more names for this technique. If so please let me know. If you don't know what these terms refer to it is stitching right into the seam, with the seam being spread apart as you do so. I "crack stitched" , with the sewing machine and a 1.5 stitch, on the right side, right into the the shoulder seam. The facing was underneath and this "ditch stitching" helped secure the facing to the shell and prevent it from having a life of its own and rolling out. I also did this on the front facing using a pocket seam as my ditch. This is a great technique and saves a lot of hand sewing, and is actually less obtrusive and also stronger than hand sewing. The fabric I was sewing worked beautifully at hiding my "crack stitching."

The jacket is done except for the buttons. I always save those until completion so a trip to the fabric store is in order here. Now where's that coupon?

I moved on today to Simplicity 3662. What a darling pattern that is. One side of this reversible jumper is vivid green and pink flannel with monkeys, Yikes!, And the other side of the jumper is a bright pink quilting cotton with a black check pocket and apple appliqued to it. If I get the piping done tomorrow, the jumper will be done. This pattern requires piping on the bottom edge but I will add it to the armholes and neckline too. I am starting to wonder what this piping fixation is about, but I just can't get away from it. I guess I could have worse addictions!


  1. Stitch in the ditch is how I know the term, and it's a great idea for securing those layers. Way faster than all that hand stitching, and definitely more secure, like you said. Looking forward to pictures of the finished product! Keep up the good work!

  2. Next week I will retrieve my camera. I really feel like my arm has been cut off. I know too much drama! So lots of pics will be coming then.


Engaging commentary:

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