Sewing Vloggers

Friday, February 1, 2008

Next projects lined up!

I have always tried to have one hand sewing and one machine sewing project going. Beyond that I rarely ever work on more than one project at a time, one by hand and one by machine, that is. I find I am more focused and productive if i stick to this rule. As I am on the tail end of my bishop, it is time to get going on another smocking project. I have wanted to make something for Twin Baby Boy that would not be overly "foufy." Up here in the Northeast #1-the climate is way to cold for batistes and hanky linens most of the time, and #3-dads in these parts would do hard time before they would allow anything "foufy" on their sons. That being said, I am blessed with a wonderful son in law who is an accomplished sailor and will indulge grandma as long as it is boat related. I picked this plate from Little Memories which I think is prescious. It will be stitched on some tea dyed hanky linen for the insert and some heavier mocha linen for the garment, a longall. So, masculine color, masculine theme, and cute as the dickens.

For a new machine project, I will time out with a simple knit top, Simplicity 3790, view D. It will be part of my pledge to not dress as though I had stock in the turtleneck concession. Kinda makes one look prego, but hey, that's the look, and I am going for the look.

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Close to being stumped with this one!

  Don't go shopping at quilt shops, even if they are the high end types like Quilted Threads of Henniker, NH. With tongue in cheek, I wi...