Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Simp 2912 Sophie's Halter Dress

A few things to add to the Piping Curves and Corners tute - I mentioned that I used the Madeira method to shape the hem band. I did not use another piece of the fashion fabric to do that. Instead I used scrap muslin to cut to the shape of the band and then sew with the Wash Away thread. This technique needed a waste fabric that would be pulled off and chucked, leaving the nice curve. Just thought I would clear that up. If you check out the Madeira hem tute, you'll see what I mean a little more clearly.

This was VERY difficult to photograph. I ended up stuffing it with a roll of fabric and propping it on a bench. I tried everything else imaginable. A hanger wouldn't work with this halter style.

There is a lot of twirl in this skirt. I can't wait to see Sophie do a little princess prancing in it. I think this style will be darling on her olive skin.
The halter straps are pleated and stitched directly to the lining and the button on top to camoflage. This is what the pattern suggested. If I do this again, the straps will be tucked in between the lining and the bodice.

I didn't think the smocking would ever end on this one, lots of baby waves. The facing is covering up more smocking, :(

Once again, I love this belt treatment and it may become my signature. It is just so simple but not the big bow effect.

DH and I will be working 6 and 7 days a week starting next week till October but I fully intend to sew a lot and post a lot. Last summer I managed to get a lot of smocking and handwork done on the road and expect the same this year.
My plan is to get some pieces pleated so I can have them at the ready to smock and also get going on my trench.

Here is something else I came across the other day while digging thru some of my "inheritance" from my great aunt. I have been told these are sweater clips and originally had some sort of chain between them to keep the sweater elegantly closed. They are rhinestones and gorgeous.They are about and inch and a half long and almost as wide......Bunny


  1. OMG this is a zillion times cuter than the pattern predicted. Love it. Love the tropical colors. Loved your piping tute. Great job.

  2. This dress is gorgeous, what beautiful smocking.

  3. Bunny, this is just so pretty! I hope you can post a photo of Sophie wearing. And I love those sweater clips! So much fun.

  4. A work of art. I hope that this will be put away with acid free tissue when she outgrows it!

  5. Beautiful dress. You are so talented! I love the back. And, I remember sweater clips.

  6. That is so sweet, Bunny! She'll be adorable in it! Yes, it does have a lot of twirl to it, and what little girl doesn't love to twirl??? Job well done!

  7. beautiful! She'll love twirling in it!

  8. Hi,

    I added your blog to a new sewing blog directory that sort blogs by freshness. The blogs with new posts are always moved up to the top. Please check it out and recommend it to your sewing blogger friends!

    Thank you!


  9. Just too beautiful for words. Love the colours, the piping, the smocking...all of it. Lucky Sophie :))

  10. Bunny you are so talented, ther's no word for it. This dress is absolutely amazing so graceful.
    Those sweater clips are gorgeous to you plan to wear them with the weddind attire?

  11. What a lucky, lucky girl to twirl to one's heart content in that dress. It is so fabulously detailed!

    The sweater clips are too wonderful - is there anyway you can construct some sort of clasp and use them as an elegant belt buckle. I love old finds like this - what a fabulous aunt!

  12. Bunny, Love the dress!
    And I was going to ask for clarification about how you did the hem treatment in the last post:
    "However this was far too much yardage to use my prescious Wonder Tape on"
    I'm assuming you meant to say "wonder thread"?, and I'm assuming now that you DID use the thread? Sorry, just trying to understand if there's another way.

    Also, do you and your dh have a business that you'll be working 6-7 days a week? Geeeesh! How will you get all that smocking done? Oh, and the sweater clips are to die for!!

  13. Oh, how pretty! She'll be so adorable twirling in it.

    The sweater clips

  14. Hi this is Emily you just comented on my blog. Your blog is so cool. I love it. That dress is so cute.

  15. It turned out beautifully. What little girl wouldn't just love it. She can swirl to her hearts content.

  16. You did a great job.!! That halter dress is gorgeous. I like the design.

  17. What a cutie!! Your work is superb!

  18. The dress is beautiful. Those sweater clips could be shoe clips. Attach them to the front of a pair of heels and they would look fabulous!

  19. Those beautiful Art Deco clips weren't for sweaters originally. Called "dress clips", they were most often used to enhance the corners of a dressy square neckline. Placed in other strategic locations, e.g., lapels, they can add bling to many an outfit today. You probably won't find any jump rings on the back where a chain was attached, but a good jeweler could certainly add them and a chain. If that's done though, the clips' value might be diminished.


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