Sewing Vloggers

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Pin Weaving Starts

Threads issue #51 from 1994 is one of my all time favorites. It enlightened  me about this fun weaving technique which just seamed so quick, creative, and easy. It was all of that and more. I couldn't wait to get started and here are a couple of my efforts. 
This is a section from a vest I made for Christmas, back in the day when did more holiday obvious clothing. You know, the kids are home, little and you make your clothing  all part of the festivities. The red strips are felted wool . This was really fast and easy to do.
This is the back of a coat/jacket I made out of all sorts of cottons, beads, and sparkly threads. "Flyaway" backs were big then and I decided to make mine out of the pin woven fabric. Here's some closeups. 

There were a couple other garments too but they are packed somewhere and I just wasn't up to digging them out.
This is all a lead up to my latest project, the Periwinkle Bag.  The newest Threads has redone the pin weaving thing with an article from a different fiber artist. I haven't read it. But I did go dig out my 1994 article  by one of the Ericsons.  I am inspired enough to use this technique for my "Periwinkle Bag" .

I started by tracing off  the pattern for the bag  and then doing this undulating pattern piece which will be for the woven fabric.  I also pin weaving the tab that comes over from the other side of the bag to close it.Once I cut out the "undulating" area from the tracing paper, I used that pattern to cut out Decor Bond interfacing in the same shape. I did the same with the tab. This interfacing will be face up on the board and the weaving will eventually be pressed to the interfacing underneath to secure everything.
I am using a double thickness of foam core  duct taped together. On one of the sides you will see the blue painter's tape. This tape was put on with the edge of the tape on the company edge. In one of the many art classes I took years ago with Sister Teresita we learned about what she called the "company edge". This is the cut edge of anything that you buy. It is perfectly straight and when you use it to line things up, you are perfectly straight. So the blue tape lines up with the company edge to give me the first edge for my pins. They are every half inch along the blue tape and everything else gets measured and pinned from there.Why is the thimble in the middle? You use it to push your pins in the foam core. Only way to go.

So that's where we are now. Hopefully this will get strung up this weekend. The muslin jacket is priority though. I am really wondering how those pockets are going to look on my boobs and hips but they seem to work for everyone else so pockets it is....Bunny


  1. You have my interest peaked. I am anxious to see how the technique progresses. Your jacket & vest are beautiful.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  2. I love to do pin-weaving. Years ago, I made a vest with the fronts done in that technique. Fun to do!

  3. I guess I live in the dark ages, because I have never heard of this. That is a beautiful jacket and vest. I can't wait to see what you do with the bag.

  4. Shirley Adams, the author of the latest Threads article, just spoke at our Fort Myers Amercian Sewing Guild chapter earlier in February. Her pin weavings are like small art works...and she even mats and frames some of them. Next month I'm gathering some friends to make our mini looms and try the same thing. I'll be eagerly watching yours progress.

  5. I loved that issue too and have always wanted to try pinweaving. I will be reading along with anticipation and hopefully will find some time to do a pinweaving project too! Thanks for the information!!

  6. Oh those are gorgeous! My interest was peaked as well when I read that article.I'd like to start with something really small like a wallet or pockets on something.


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