Sewing Vloggers

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Weaving Station

As with most handwork, you need a good place to work. You have to have great light, comfortable seating, and a good spot to watch TV or the fire. When I started the actual weaving, I had a tote of fibers. I had nearly no idea of where I was going with the design and grabbed my fibers and let them tell me what to do. I did trace onto the interfacing under the warp threads, an outline to follow, but as usual, have branched out from that design. Next thing I knew I had a messy huge pile of "stuff" on the couch. I hate messy huge piles. So I strung a bit of everything on the arm of the couch and now I can just neatly pull what I want and weave, all while enjoying the latest saga on Days of Our Lives. It's coming along. I have laid out the strongest elements and now am filling in with branching of little ellipses as you will see later. The polka dot fabric you see in the tote is the base of the bag. The green will probably be the lining. 

Here you can see my upper pockets loosely pinned to the jacket. Because this is a princess seam you can only match so much. The side fronts have bias elements which will never match. I am able to match the edges of the pockets towards CF and the bottom edge, enough. I do not want this to be my life's work and can't wait to move on. I also know that if I start on my CJ I will never look back and I abhor UFOs. To me they are a billboard in my face when I see them. They remind me of bad choices, loss of interest, and lack of discipline and tossing them just hurts my inner tightwad.  So I will continue on this but not demand perfection, just some decent wearability. . You can see the little braid on the top of the pockets. I can't find the bag of extra braid I bought and have a feeling some how it got tossed out by mistake. I do have enough braid to do the sleeves. The braid is only a 1/4 inch wide so I sewed  two opposing strips together. Steam A Seam is great help for this.
    I have also picked out another upcoming project to start soon.
DD gave me a very generous gift certificate for my B-Day for Joanns. I found a great real linen/rayon blend very similar to the black and white dress you see on the pattern. It is a very soft print, not graphic at all. I hope to pick it up today. Need that motivation to get me honkin' on my other projects. I really like the waist emphasis here with the little button belt and side ties, a good accent for my shape. I think this could be pretty flattering. We'll see.Kristine of Just Keep sewing made this last summer and it was darling.

So lots on the burner and I have to hustle to keep it all cooking......Bunny


  1. That pinweaving makes me want to get out my board and get to work! What fun! I know what you mean about the jacket. Some sewing becomes a chore to finish. I'm sure it will be beautiful when you're done.

  2. I love your weaving! Too much... trying not to acquire another hobby is difficult when reading your blog! And a nice spring dress is just what the doctor ordered! Aren't gift certificates the best?

  3. I am enjoying watching the weaving emerge into a bag. I know it will be beautiful

  4. Okay, so now I get what you are doing. This is going to be awesome.

  5. Your weaving is looking delicious! The colors are wonderful.

  6. I don't know a thing about weaving but I can't wait to see your creation. I ALWAYS learn something from you!!!!

  7. LOVE the colors for your weaving. Just shouts spring and summer. If I am anxious for spring I can only imagine how anxious you are. Very pretty.

  8. Bunny, blue and green are my colors so I really like your weaving. Your new pattern looks interesting. It should make a nice comfortable dress. Gigi

  9. That is so neat. I wish we could get a closer view. Very intriguing.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  10. When all is said and done, you will definitely have detail views. Glad you are so interested.

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