Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another Great Find!

As I was digging even deeper into the stash my friend Ima bequeathed me, I found some ribbons I never knew she had given me. I knew exactly where they came from as we had talked about this place many times. It's been a while but I believed it was called the Heritage Ribbon factory and it was in Pittsfield, NH. It was the only (so they said and I believed them) jacquard ribbon factory in existence using the original antique jacquard looms from France. You could go in and take tours of the factory and then shop in their sweet little store. The looms were amazing having the burnished look of old wood. The patterns  were set up  using paper cards with punch holes, an actual precursor of the modern computer. It was all quite fascinating and the ribbons were lovely. I have a few in my own stash from the ribbon factory. Very sadly, it burned down in the 90's never to be replaced, a real treasure lost. It makes me appreciate the ribbons even more. The family is still in the ribbon business but the factory was never rebuilt. I am sure they went off shore, like everything else today.

In that stash was something very unique, a fabulous zipper made with the jacquard ribbons, the likes of which I had never seen.
It sold for the grand price of one dollar and eighty cents! I think RiRi could take a lesson. 

I have had two of my grandchildren visiting and sadly they have returned to their Momma and Dad. We had the best time, hiking the Adirondacks, picking vegetables in the garden, and walking in lots of rain. Here is a picture of them on the boardwalk over a marsh on the trail at the Visitors Interpretive Center in Paul Smiths, NY. 

DH and I will be heading down south on business for a few days then its back up North for visiting with family in Mass. and NH. I will be gone for about a week or more. Till then.........Bunny


  1. Love the pics of the grands walking the boardwalk. What fun!
    That zipper is really unique. The newest rage is for zippers to be seen on the dresses. Wonder how that one would look?

  2. Fabulous zip! I'd run it down the centre of a black dress.

  3. Love your stash of ribbon and that fabulous zipper! I agree that it is a shame that the ribbon factory was lost to a fire. You live in an absolutley beautiful area bu the way :)

  4. You have such treasures, and deservedly so. Have a safe trip.

  5. Bunny, what a gorgeous / unusual zipper. It's great that you were that you were able to spend time with the grandchildren.

  6. what a fabulous discovery!!! Love vintage ribbons!!

  7. ~~Safe Travels~~, Bunny! Your grands are just that...GRAND! :-)

    This week's JA flyer has a jumper with a zipper up the front. I think that one would be smashing on a black dress, like Gail suggested.

    I'd have a tough time not hoarding such treasures. Sometimes it kills me to 'use' something that I know I can't ever get again.

  8. A little bit of history. Alas, things don't quite have that je ne sais - quality, these days. Safe travels Bunny and have fun. I too love your surroundings and time with grandchildren - so special.

  9. Such pretty ribbons, and, oh my that zipper is a true prize!
    We just got back from a visit with our newest grand and her big sis. It is so hard to say goodbye to them.
    Where are you going in the South?

  10. Ooo-la-la - what fun!!! The ideas that zipper brings up are too numerous - won't you have fun with it!

  11. Great ribbons, and wow! That is some zipper! I wouldn't even know what to do with it, except take it out of the drawer occasionally and admire it.

  12. Love the boardwalk pic...I am going to miss visiting the VIC center this Fall being as my daughter finished going to PSC last year. I loved visiting her at college and spent many days wandering the trails at the VIC and the surrounding area while waiting for her to get out of class. Especially lovely in the Fall!!

  13. It breaks my heart that such a unique historical place burned down, but I'm glad you have the beautiful ribbons - you'll really be able to make something that does them justice.

    The pictures of your visit with the grandchildren were very sweet.

  14. To answer your question you left on my blog...I live inside "The Blue Line" of the Lower ADK's near The Great Sacandaga Lake. We are a west and a little North of Saratoga Springs. It takes us approximately 2.75 hours to get up to PSC depending if you take Rte. 30 or the Northway. Thanks for following my blog as well! ;-)

  15. I also appreciate vintage trims. I was in Paris this Summer and went crazy for the trime at the Flea Market there. I put some up on a post on my blog but sadly the really beautiful ones were a small fortune so I didn't buy them


Engaging commentary:

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