Sewing Vloggers

Friday, August 26, 2011

Home Dec Looming

After making that new ironing board cover I got the urge to re do my studio. I am yearning for a bit more sophisticated look and think black and white and the salmon pink walls will work. Above you some of the fabrics and textures I am considering. I will need to cover another small square ironing surface, make new window treatments, a new bulletin board, "upholster" my stand up lamp, hang up an incredible Dior poster that I have been saving for years, paint some small items, make fabric covered magazine boxes, and I am sure more will come. There are some fabulous strictly functional sewing rooms out there that some of you have but myself, well, I like a decorated look. I guess its a holdover from my years of doing interiors. Add to that years of sewing in dark basements with the clothes dryer thumping away next to me and the smell of grass and gasoline emanating from a nearby lawn mower and you can see why I just want things pretty. 

Some argue that this will all interrupt my design process, all this distraction of color and line. I say poo to you. I find being surrounded by color and contrast to be very invigorating and have never felt it squelched me in any way. If anything, it makes my space more of a refuge, a place that is all mine, all decorated by me. I waited many years for this and revel in the opportunity to work in such a space. Its a blessing, one I wish for all of you. 

I will be leaving early tomorrow for New Bedford, Mass, at the foot of Cape Cod. What? You say there is a hurricane coming? We know. It is the only time DH has off to go visit his ailing mom, something we have to do. We will be staying with DSIL, about a mile and a half from the waters edge but on higher ground than the waterfront. She lives alone so we will be there to help her if needed and I think that will be the case. We are bringing lots of food, containers of gasoline, and a chain saw. Lets hope we need none of this. One of the things also playing into this is that the New Bedford harbor, the busiest in the US, is protected by a massive hurricane dike made to protect the city from a category three hurricane. It has proven itself already in a couple of Cat Ones so we are confident. It is quite an amazing feat of engineering, goes 3 and half miles across the harbor and would never get built today. Its also a great place to sit and watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July.

I pray all our East Coasters come out of this safe and sound with minimal damage. Please heed all warnings and leave when you are told to leave. Is the PR shopping in NYC still happening? I tend to doubt it. 

I will leave you with good thoughts and a bouquet of hydrangeas from the garden...Bunny


  1. Nothing could interrupt YOUR design process...can't wait to see what you do.

  2. Good luck and be safe this weekend. We're battening down the hatches here.

  3. Be safe and I'll see you when you return. Those are pretty hydrangeas!

  4. Bunny,
    I agree with your thoughts on a pretty sewing space. I'm lucky enough to have one also, and have it decorated with bright colors that make me feel creative. It is indeed a refuge.

    Safe travels!

  5. I can't wait to see your re-designed studio!
    Safe trip in the meanwhile.

  6. Be safe Bunny! If all is well, you should take a side trip to Apple Annie to look at her beautiful fabrics. They are really very special and she is a gem!

  7. Squeal!!! Love the new idea for your sewing room - I will be waiting for the reveal.

    You and your loved ones be safe and may this storm simply become dinner party conversation fodder.

  8. Good for you to go and be there for your mother-in-law when she needs it! I hope New Bedford escaped the really bad damage. Our youngest is in New Haven which didn't get much damage at all, thank goodness.

    Sometimes you need to direct your creative energies to your surroundings, which are also important. Can't wait to see what you do.

  9. Hope all is well where ever you are! I love the idea of a designed sewing room. Actually I would be happy with any sewing room. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

  10. Love the combinations of fabrics to choose from. I hope your travels to Massachusetts have been uneventful; also, after hearing of the flooding in your home area, I fervently hope all is well for you there.

  11. I'm getting worried!!! I'm thinking you must still be at New Bedford, Mass & without power.
    Please check in at your soonest, Bunny? We worry, ya' know.

    Mega Hugs,


Engaging commentary:

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