Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Home Dec Beginning

We had a wonderful vackay, spending quality time with family among 4 generations. I came home with a big Granny-do list and will try to start sewing today. Here you can see me cutting high density foam for the window seat cushions. 

This is Audrey's mudroom. There are two window seats that lift up for storage and a window to be dealt with. We started by cutting all of the foam pieces. The only good way I know of to cut this stuff is with an electric knife, the kind people use to slice a big ham or turkey. We, DD and I, marked all the pieces with their orientation so as not to get mixed up when I shlepped them all back to New York. I will do the covers here as well as some other home dec projects. She will pick them all up Columbus Day weekend so I have a deadline here as well. All marked, cut and ready to go:
We are not firmed up on the window treatment yet but DD has supplied plenty of fabric. The cushions will be a contemporary print of sunbrella fabric with a bias striped cording. Did I mention this is where the two weimeranas sleep? They are getting the decorating priority as they like sleeping in this area and looking out the window and DD has interior electric fences to keep them off the furniture, mostly new. So we are trying to provide Loky and Cally with a lovely new home as well. 
I will also be working on a sweet little treatment for the guest bath, a small mounted valance with some beading on the edge. More to come on that. So come along for the home dec ride and let's hope its not a bumpy one!
We did some hiking and canoing in the Audobon preserve in Ispwich, Mass. What a beautiful spot! Here is  what I think is a cormorant sunning in one of the little ponds...Bunny
Thanks everyone for your concern regarding our trip. We are all safe and sound with no home damage other than picking up a lot of debris. Amen.....Bunny


  1. I am deeply jealous of such a large, useful and pretty mud room! Mine is the size if a postage stamp, but I am lucky to hayve even that.

  2. You have me beat, Karin. I don't have one at all. There are more cabinets and closets on the opposite side and a counter for folding clothes. The area also functions as the laundry, with one doorway to the garage and the other to the family room.

  3. I love the description of what you're doing with the home dec stuff....I'm not really into that but have Walt and I have purchased a new little RV (a Casita Travel Trailor) and after a trip to Yellowstone, we're ready for some redo. Of course I'll be doing the sewing part and he'll do the wood part (and all the other parts too, I might add, as I know nothing about those things!) Link is here:

    But am getting ready to do this as I know I can do it a lot better and exactly what I want more than describing it to some one else.

    Can't wait to see your progress on this project.


Engaging commentary:

Close to being stumped with this one!

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