Sewing Vloggers

Friday, November 25, 2011

On Thanksgiving, From the Other Side of the Ironing Board

We are back home in our little cottage on the Deer River and had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our children and families further south in New England. While nursing a wicked cold/asthma, and helping iron ten panels of silk dupioni draperies for DD#2, some serious meditation/pondering set in. Here are a few of my Ironing Board Musings from the day before Thanksgiving:

  • It takes nearly an hour to iron one lined, long silk dupioni panel.
  • Using a nebulizer is best kept for moments when the munchkins aren't around. 
  • Hugging and kissing much loved, snotty nosed, grandchildren inevitably results in a bad cold. Fair trade-off in my book.
  • My son in law with the Cajun roots makes the most incredible corn bread stuffing imaginable. You would kill for his recipe. 
  • Those stitchers in China for Pottery Barn are pretty dang good. Out of ten panels of silk dupioni, only one was a quarter inch off grain. I check those things, ya know. 
  • While babysitting three year old twins and big brother while Mom and Dad are in Europe, a couple of Benadryl are a great substitute for a glass of wine if the cupboard is empty. 
  • Hiking Weir Hill in No. Andover, Mass., in the throws of an ashtma attack really isn't that bad. Yes, we did find the birthday party boys when I couldn't go any further and we came down the trail. They hadn't begun to hike yet.Wheeze.
  • Even if you are sick, feverish, wheezing, the munchkins still have to get to school. It's very easy to drop them off, continue wheezing, and shop the pre Black Friday sale at Joann's. Sewing Grannies are like that.
  • Those drapery panels do not water spot, not at all. What did they treat them with? Can we get some?
  •  Ironing a lot of silk for someone else is just as good as fiddling with your own fabric fantasies at home. 
  • Watching your granddaughter use up the next hour and half stitching groups of three beads at a time on the tiny dolly pillow you just helped her make by hand is absolutely priceless.

I have always found ironing a wonderful opportunity for meditation, sort of a time when I think about how blessed I am and  back off and think how wonderful life is.  I have much, much to be grateful for. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving......Bunny


  1. Marvelous Musings! Grandkids... can't wait!

  2. You iron to meditate; I get on the tractor and mow pasture to do some serious meditating. Either way works.

  3. Yay for grandkiddies - we only have one but I get to visit with him several days a week and it is great. Unfortunately, he lives in a very very warm house and we keep our house cool so Gramma is sewing him up several pairs of lined overalls and knitting him long, warm socks because he's in the crawling around and playing on the floor stage. Sorry -- I do NOT think that a pair of corduroy pants, a long sleeved cotton shirt and booties equals warm.

  4. Hope you get your asthma under control. The picture above is priceless...what good natured kids.

  5. Bunny, I have been following your blog for years but have not yet written. Your musings are so spot on. Can't wait to sew dolly pillows with my granddaughter. You are an inspiration. I LOVE your blog and look forward to reading it every day.

  6. Look at all of those sweet, smiling faces! Ironing is definitely quality thinking time. Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are feeling better soon. Your time with your grandchildren sound precious.

  8. My goodness, you really are blessed. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  9. What a heart-warming post! Thanks for another one of many smiles I've had on my face today :)

  10. Cute pictures of the 'kids table!" It sounds like a wonderful, lively Thanksgiving.

  11. Belated Happy Thanks Giving from the UK - lovely post - hope your cold is getting better - I think my little granddaughter passed on her cold to me last week too, but like you say its a good trade

  12. Uh-oh - I see a new blog category....Sewing Grannies...and instead of the Mommy-blogs, the new decade will see the onset of Grannie-blogs!!!

  13. Such sweet little darling grandkidlets! I see a strong family resemblance!
    You are truly Blessed!!

    How about adding the feature to your blog where we can get each one of your postings by email? PLEASE? I hate it when I miss something of yours.
    It is a new feature easily available on blogger under the "Add a Gadget" area of "Design".

    I just did it to mine...come sign up & test it for me, will ya'?



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