Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Little Somethin' Somethin' ...

Well, I did manage to get a little sweetness done this weekend. I found this UFO while cleaning. I think I was working on it when I started back to work and it just slipped through the cracks somehow. It is for Sophie's AG doll and is a little nighty. The pattern is the "Emily" from Genine over at Etsy.

Genine's shop is called GennieWren.  I have made her patterns up before and they are a delight to sew. Genine goes to great lengths to have various testers try out her patterns before she commits them to sale. It shows. They match up beautifully and the instructions are very clear. NAYY, just want to help out another sewist, particular when her efforts are so exceptional.

The fabric used for the nightgown is what I would call a dimity, something inherited from my elderly neighbor and certainly vintage. It is just lovely. It is like a brushed heavier version of a voile with a tiny diamond texture to it. It's way too soft for any sort of regular clothing but perfect for a dolly's special nighty! The pattern comes with this lovely smocking design too!

The Danny Project keeps evolving and I made major headway today. One facet of this project is a real stickler and I am trying all sorts of methods to see what works best. Once the sticky part is worked out it will be home free and on to my muslin for the wedding outfit. Of course I found the absolute most perfect shoes today but hesitated buying as the dress isn't even cut out yet.

Thanks for the comments on the "Hijack" post yesterday. It was greatly appreciated. I appear to be home free now but went to a blog today who also had the same thing happening. I wondered if she knew and left her a message. I went to lots of blogs and such today but only that one had the same issue. ....Bunny


  1. You know you were suppose to buy those shoes, right? I do that all the time with shoes and jewelry, it helps me make the garment faster.

  2. Very pretty, and your bullions are gorgeous!

  3. This nighty is so cute, I always find it so rewarding to come across an old project and finish it at last!

  4. oh Bunny I agree with Carolyn, you should buy the shoes, often some of my outfits I have made in the past came from a pair of shoes, or in the case of my son's wedding the hat I bought first. I didn't even have a pattern or the fabric, but that is what I based it all on.

    The nighty is really beautiful - the DGD must have one of the best dressed dolls around.

    Good luck with Danny project - from what we have seen so far, I am sure if will be a beautiful momento for the family.

  5. This is a sweet little night gown. Wish I had one half as nice!
    Glad to hear that your blog is sorted out. What a pain.
    I agree with the other commenters, buy the shoes!

  6. Beautiful little nightgown!

    Definitely buy the shoes!!! LOL! If they don't work with this dress, you'll whip up another.

  7. So cute! I love AG doll clothes. They make sewing so much fun.

  8. Bunny - what a beautiful night gown - thank you for posting a photo - I love seeing what people make from my patterns. Your bullions are perfect and I love the little touch of lace at the neckline.

  9. So sweet! Martha Pullen has heirloom doll clothes. Your work is outstanding!

  10. Precious nighty! And I've always loved the word "dimity"; it brings to mind the early 1900s and my grandmother with her sisters in beautiful fabrics...(I'm not sure why!).


  11. Wow, that is going to be one well-dressed doll! I wouldn't be surprised if you get a request for a matching gown for DGD.

    Oh, dimity! (insert sigh of longing) I'm not sure I've ever seen/handled dimity. It is one of those fabrics everyone has heard of and no one seems to be able to find anymore. When I read old sewing books, it seems like sew-ers had more fabric type choices than we have today, even if their fiber choices were somewhat limited. I think it may be time to bring back some of the fabric types we see mentioned in old sewing books and novels, like dimity. It could happen. I was wishing I could find a real/woven swiss dot several years ago and then, surprise, it became a fashion fabric and reappeared in fabric strores!


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