Sewing Vloggers

Friday, November 2, 2012

Koos bag continues......

The bottom of this drum shaped bag is collaged as well. I decided to have a bit of fun, again, not quite following the pattern. One curved inlay was triple zigzagged over the raw edge and then topstitched on the side. Another section was stitched right sides together, flipped and pressed and then topstitched (the tapestry). I wanted to bring a bit of the green to this side of the bag. The tapestry has some floral shapes and I thought mimicing them with a green taffeta applique would be fun. 
First I traced the flower shape onto tracing paper.

Then the shape was cut out and pinned to the tapestry.

The applique was then triple zigzagged and free form stitched to mimic the flower on the tapestry. I like how I now have that little pop of green.

Now it is on to the sides of the drum, more fun opportunity to play with textures and shapes!...(Don't you just love my joint compound spattered cement floor? At least my room is usable for now.)


  1. this is coming along nicely can't wait to see the end product. I am sure you will have your room back to its former glory soon - take care

  2. Looks great, waiting for the finished product. It will be beautiful.

  3. This is going to be another knock-out, I can just see it now. Actually, I wanted to thank you again for recommending PhotoScape (photo editing software). I downloaded it, and it is more than adequate for my needs. I was able to start using it right away (shock! it usually takes me forever to figure out techie things). So, thanks thanks thanks, Bunny!

  4. Photoscape is so easy to use and IMO pretty much does all you need for editing photos. It's fun to sit and play with all the options. Glad it's working out for you.

    The bag just needs the top attached to the side and then the lining, so it's coming along.


Engaging commentary:

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