Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Koos Zipper 2.0

I LOVE the Koos Zipper as shown in the View B instructions of Vogue 1311.  It is such a crisp application that would be great on any bag or jacket. It is not difficult either and there is also a tutorial in the sidebar from my first Koos bag construction.

A couple of differences here from the original construction:

* In the original zip I did not fold under the long facing pieces at their ends after turning. In this one I did. It did telegraph through upon ironing so I would not do that. To solve the issue I just moved them out of the way when I did the final press.

* In Zip 2.0 I decided, after a bit of experimentation, to triple zigzag the long edges of the facing. This helped secure the zip more than normal which I think is important for a bag and it's heavy use. I like the decorative effect it provides.

* I was able to center the zip beautifully with the help of Wonder Tape. It just looks uneven due to the camera angle.Ever notice those raised lines on zips? They are perfect for following the stitching and getting it even and centered.

* The zip was topstitched using my edge stitching foot and one click to the right. 

* Last but not least and totally unimportant I loved this zip which is a recycle from a long gone jacket. It opened at both ends. I just removed one of the pulls and sewed it shut on both ends to make it work for the bag. Zipper reused! It had a great pull on it so was definitely worth it.

Now on to the straps and sides and then lining. Maybe, just maybe, tomorrow....Bunny


  1. Well, after following your blog entries on the other Koos bag you made, and seeing how beautiful this one will be I went out and bought the pattern. I am an able sewist and feel confident that I can do almost as good a job. Maybe. We'll see.

    1. You can definitely do it, Bonnie. I did a lot of my own thing as far as the appliques. I think I kept it simpler and let the fabric do most of the talking. But the basic bag is simply two circles and a band in between. Make sure you stay stitch the sides of the circles so they don't stretch out. And once your top and bottom are done recheck them against the pattern to make sure nothing has stretched out of shape. Good luck!

  2. Looks super! Can't wait till tomorrow...J

  3. So beautiful! Koos has come up with some of my favorite little construction details - can't wait to apply this one on something :)

  4. Oh, I'm loving this zipper application. I'll have to use this on some of my bags. It adds just a touch of detail - just perfect.

  5. the close-up of your zipper shows the accuracy of your work - beautiful.

  6. Well, no wonder you found it "Fun" to do! It turned out PERFECT! what a pretty color, goes with the fabric beautifully.

    I am heading over to review your first tut on the subject. I remember reading it, but like so many things in sewing, until one DOES them, they don't really stick. At least for me, anyway.

    Warm Hugs,

  7. What a beautiful zipper application! (Isn't one of the great things about the sewing blogosphere that there are others who also ooh and ahh over a perfectly sewn zip?)

  8. This is a great zipper application. I'm looking for somewhere to use it as soon as possible!!

  9. Beautiful! Love your color choices too.

  10. Just when you think there are no other techniques to whip into zipper insertion...Koos makes a new one. Your execution and tips are superb! Recently I have been altering a Carlisle skirt with a back zipper and it had this same finish but using grosgrain ribbon...amazing but thick and I will have to post photos in my next blog addition. Thanks for keeping us on or toes and adding new things to our brains!


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