Sewing Vloggers

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Jean Jacket continues....

I managed to get an afternoon of painting in on my jacket and it is near done, so easy. This isn't the Mona Lisa, but soft big splotches of color. I experimented a bit and the Lumiere dyes gave me my best effect. All they will require is a heat setting 24 hours after paining. I may still use some of the Shiva paint sticks. We'll see. The vegetable peeler is what I use to remove the skin from the paint sticks. I have had sticks that are fifteen years old and fresh as daisies once they are peeled. They are supposed to be peelable, not just a drying out factor, and they last forever.  But I am not done.

I also ordered a set of Inktense Pencils which I am soooo excited about.  I want to thank Coco, of Coco's Loft, for introducing me to these via her blog. I can't wait to try them. You use them, sort of crayon like, or any colored pencil. Then you apply a bit of water with a small brush and voila - they turn to permanent inks which need NO heat setting or any other kind of setting to be permanent on fabric. You bet I am tracking this package! 


  1. I just thought I'd mention that about half the places I looked up the Inktense pencils they suggest that if using on fabrics that will be washed that they be heat set with an iron just like fabric paint... while if using them on paper or on textile wall art, how washfast they are would be of little consequence, on a garment it would be tragic to lose the imagery... perhaps you may want to do some tests beforehand? And thank you by the way for mentioning them, since I will likely get some to try out later this year, as the idea of simply drawing directly on fabric for patterning is incredibly appealing

    1. There is plenty on youtube as well that may interest you. I definitely planned on some samples.I haven't heat set any of the paints yet and will do that when all is done! So they will be getting a treatment. But I don't want to ruin anything so will test first. Thanks for your response.

  2. Ooooo, it is going to be SEW PRETTY!! I've used the Lumiere dyes before on a little quilt...great intense color.

  3. I love painting on fabric and I am excited to see how it goes for you. Thank you for explaining what the potato peeler is for, and I am excited about those pencils too.

  4. You're keeping us hooked. What a journey this is, so looking forward to see what this is going to be like.

  5. I've got these pencils and use them for art on paper, but I'm so surprised that they could be used on fabric. It's hard to believe that they would be permanent! Can't wait to see more photos of your jacket.

  6. I have a few of the Inktense pensils and I love using them in artwork on paper, but have not attempted them on fabric. Now I have a new thing to try out, thanks!

  7. ! I had no idea that inktense worked on fabric! And to think my set of crayons has just been sitting there, used sporadically for calligraphy and lettering projects...


Engaging commentary:

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