Sewing Vloggers

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Words

I do hope all who celebrated had a wonderful and happy Christmas, full of joy and family and friends! Now we move on to a New Year and all the unknown that it holds for us. This week's Wednesday Words, for the first time, are my own. Several years ago I had fun publishing this post right before New Year's Eve. At the moment my fabrics are in the same order but the rest of the room is chaos. My New Year's Resolution? Clean that room! I wish you all a healthy and happy New Year and humor me with this reposting. 

Twas the day before New Year's, when all through the house
Machines were not humming or making a blouse.
The velvets were hung by the leathers with care
In hope that free time soon would be there.

Hubbie was nestled all snug in our bed
while visions of garments danced in my head.
I in my Jammies and Dad in his sweats decided
No party on New Years was as good as it gets.

When down in the basement their came such a clatter
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to my bunker I flew like a flash
Tore open the closet and eyed my great stash.

The glow of my Ott lite on cleaned closet shelves
showed amazing order put forth by the elves.
And what to my wandering eyes would appear?
Visions of fabric so vast and so dear.

There were fleeces all rolled and labeled with care
in hopes that my fingers would make things I'd share.
There were boucles all begging for Chanel's nimble skills
and 100% linen was giving me thrills. 

When up on my shelves my eyes did alight
to find glass jars of fibers reflecting the light.
There were laces and ribbons and sequins galore
and sewing such beauties was surely in store. 

I found angelina and rovings
 all bundled with care,
 and splendiferous threads with no room to spare. 

Drawers were all perfect with scissors at rest
and tools made for marking ones marks at their best.
Buttonhole chisels, silk ribbons too, glass headed pins
asking "what do we do?"

 Polies and silk take up space by the knits. 
Their sparkly gleam giving shivering fits.
Then there were doilies and gingham so square.
With so much to sew there is no  time to spare.
Bottomweights share a really tight space, 
A perfect pants pattern will they ever grace?

 Why, here are my fingers on hands that are eager
to stitch and create, even projects quite meager. 
They'l move on the fabric with speed so unknown
Productivity will blossom with items I've sewn. 

It's time to get dreaming of what I will do 
with all I've been blessed with. How about you? 
Here's hoping your New Year will be one that's bright
 and loaded with sewing far into the night.
Happy New Year to all with more sewing in sight.....Bunny Pepin

Wednesday Words are quotes gleaned from the internet, blogs, books, newspapers and more. They are notmy own words, other than today. They are not my opinions but merely comments written that made me go "hmmmmm,,,,,,,". Some may be provocative, some may not. Some may be my opinion, some may not. My goal is to start a conversation among followers of this blog and hopefully learn as we share our thoughts. I know you will do so respectfully and intelligently and  I thank you for that.    




  1. Thank you for the wander through your stash with poetry!
    Stay bundled up and warm to welcome in 2016!

  2. Very fitting for the sewist -- Happy Sew Year to You!

  3. Lovely! Thanks for sharing and a very happy new year to you as well, Bunny!

  4. I giggled as I read this post! Wishing you a very happy 2016 filled with lots of sewing and creativity. Karen

  5. Thanks, Happy New Year to you all as well! I am not one to post my "year in review" or sewing goals for the next year as I really am a free spirit without a plan. But a humble attempt at a bit of poetry, now that I enjoy!

  6. It was funny the first time you posted it and is still funny now. Good luck with all your sewing projects in 2016! I agree, I don't usually post goals, it never works out anyway.

  7. This is so great !!!! Thanks for brightening my day !!

  8. Very clever. Why does the sewing room always need organizing? Happy New Year!

  9. What a wonderful little poem and our of your stash! Hope you have a happy and productive New Year.

  10. What a fun poem to read. Yes, I must organize my sewing room too and keep it that way! Happy New Year!

  11. Nice poem and well worth repeating, and have a Happy New Year yourself.

  12. Wonderful stuff. Makes me want to sew -over at your place ;-) Happy New Year!

  13. Very well done. The emphasis on care comes through.


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