Sewing Vloggers

Monday, April 25, 2016

Where's the Bling????

I keep calling it the Cobalt Bling bag but where is the bling? Well here you can see some of it. I can't do the last finishing until the remainder of the bling arrives in the mail, hopefully this week.  I will have a lot more to say about it when it arrives and gets installed on the bag. The bag will definitely be blinged out!

At this point the zipper hurdle has been overcome and it worked out well, more details coming. I just need to add the rest of the bling and stitch in the lining which is all complete. 

Here was a visitor to our garden this past Sunday. I think he was still a bit numb from the cold as he kept sticking out his little red tongue but moved quite slowly otherwise.  There are no poisonous snakes in the Adirondacks, or so I've been told!



  1. oooo - what a pretty garter snake!

    1. They stay pretty small up here. I loved watching him flick his little red tongue. Awesome.

  2. If I may clarify the "poisonous" verses "venomous" - we learned this clarification the hard way after a tornado hit our property - what my husband thought was a large limb was a chicken snake amongst many limbs who sadly had been flung around in the Tornado and was quite out of sorts. The snake bit my husband and like most we thought no big deal not poisonous - wrong all snakes carry poisons mainly from the rodents that they eat and if they ingest a rodent that has had a bit of rat killer but not enough to kill it then you too are getting the rat poison.

    My husband had a horrible time becoming well again...massive rounds of antibodics - the Dr said that had it been one of our children due to the size of the snake - they would have probably suffered organ damage or worse over time.

    Venomous does require anti venom and will more than likely result in permanent tissue damage to the area of the bite. Death will result if not treated immediately.

    Snakes have their purpose in our eco system there is no doubt - I am not against them and give them plenty of space to do their thing. The snake that bit my husband succumbed to internal damage from the Tornado - I have never seen a snake that big and I have seen some pretty big ones - he was thought to have had some age on him lol.

    I wanted to share our story as most folks don't realize that it is best to view all snake bites as having the potential to cause a life threatening issue and all snake bites should receive immediate medical attention.

    Your guy is cute though hubby thinks he's about 2 yrs old based on the width of his body.

    Take care. Looking forward to seeing the finished bag - looking good so far as always

    1. Thanks, TJA, for your response. Snakes get my utmost respect. I was brought up on the Vermillion bayou in Lafayette, Louisiana. I had a neighbor across the street found dead in her garden by her husband from a copperhead bite. I've seen huge ones in our home after hurricanes. I was confronted by a rattler while picking raspberries and ran for my life. They were an ever present neighbor in our environment, copperheads, rattlers, diamondbacks, you learned to identify them all and got to see them up close and personal. A shovel was always handy in the back yard to chop their heads of when necessary.

      I am so sorry your husband suffered so. It never occurred to me that what the snake eats could be the issue in a non poisonous snake so thanks for that info. If you've been following me for a while you know that I live in quite the wilderness area right on the Canadian border. Luckily, we don't use poisons to control animals. I think this little fella is your typical garden snake, something I've dealt with for years and I pray he is harmless. This was our first meeting. I will be careful. Thanks for your input.

  3. He looks like a little garter snake. They have such mean little faces, but they're harmless on the snake scale. I have three brothers and one son, all of whom love snakes and the worst thing I can say about these little wigglers is that their pee stinks something awful. I can always tell when my son has been picking up snakes. Anyway, down here in Massachusetts, we see lots of garters in April and September, but few during the summer.

  4. Bunny -I have so loved reading your blog for the last few years. You inspire me! Especially the beautiful bags! I'd love to see you Swoon! Someday maybe? I have made several of these and find them well thought out and accessible to the creative minded bag maker.

    1. I've been admiring the Swoon bags as well as the Emmaline bags. That may be my foray into Indie adventures! Thanks for the suggestions.


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