Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


I'm going to be straight up here. I had this muslin half done about 4 weeks ago. It has been a long time. I haven't touched it since. Then the life changing phone call came, a really good one. Long story short....we will be moving, at least as soon as we sell the house and have the next one constructed.  We now have a definite future home and are beyond excited as are our children. In the meantime it is full bore on purging, painting and constant cleaning. The big yard sale will happen in two weeks. We hope to take as little with us as possible when we move. It will have us leaving very upstate New York on the Canadian border and moving to one of the loveliest Boston suburbs on the North Shore. This decision was as sudden as a phone call from our oldest daughter and husband asking us  to consider building a carriage house on their property and making it our permanent home. Two totally separate residences barely connected by a ghost space. Our home will be brand new. It will be almost the same square footage as we have now  minus the big storage we have here but will not need in the future. It will have a large loft that will be for my sewing. DSIL took his architectural studies and designed a really gorgeous small property that will be in line with the classic New England neighborhood we will be living in.  We are thrilled.

That muslin is getting so ignored. If things settle down here, I will get back to sewing and blogging but for now it is full bore on our future. I am not sure when that will be. I just know I look forward to doing both again, the sooner the better. Property up here is really  slow to move. It is a beautiful beautiful area of the country as you all know from the many pictures I've shown over the years but there is little industry and people are not rushing to move up here other than for retirement and second homes, lots of second homes.  It is quiet, laid back, and a gift from Mother Nature. Culture and the arts are close by as we have six  universitities within 35 miles and Montreal and Ottawa are an hour away.

My husband will be the first to tell you that when I focus on something, I FOCUS and nothing else gets in the way. That's where I am with this move. It is consuming me but I know it will be temporary.

I so look forward to warmer weather.

I so look forward to returning to the Cape Cod/New Hampshire/ greater Boston area, our old stomping grounds. I know there are many sewists there, none at all here.

I so look forward to being so close to our children and grandchildren and their wonderful husbands.

I look so forward to really good food and really good restaurants.

I so look forward to diversity and all that it contributes to a wonderful life.

I so look forward to meeting sewing friends.

I so look forward to not having boots in piles at the back door all winter.

I so look forward to designing an interior with my SIL and husband and starting all new.

I will miss the laid back life that is offered here.

I will miss the amazing friends we have made.

I will miss the best job ever. Maybe I'll really retire this time??/

I will miss our wildlife and the beauty we live in.

Right now I miss talking with you all. I miss sewing. I miss planning wardrobe excitement and learning and trying new sewing techniques. I miss sharing them with you, too. I continue to help out newbies through Facebook groups and an occasional post on PR. At least I hope I am helping!

I am not going to write this post like it is the last ever, but I am writing to let you share in what is happening. I value all of you so very much and so many have become such a great part of my life.  I look forward to staying in touch  with you all as I can and will in the future. I look forward to sewing in a new space, one that we will share and hopefully enjoy together. Love you all,,,,,,,,,,,Bunny


  1. Cheers to your move! Best wishes on all the changes...

  2. Oh wow! I know how time consuming it can be to pick up and move so I certainly can understand why sewing and blogging needs to take a back seat for now. Congratulations and all the best!

  3. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. I can just hear in your bubbly writing how excited and energized you are. This will be a wonderful turn in your life's path. Enjoy.

  4. Congratulations! Can I tell you that living near your children and grandchildren is the best! And a new sewing room - this is awesome! Enjoy this new exciting period in your life. I will wait right here until things settle down and you're back to sewing.

    1. That's exactly what I could say --- great joys ahead. And . . . I also will "wait right here until things settle down" because I enjoy your blog SO MUCH. My very best to you, Bunny!

  5. Congrats on your life changes! Enjoy the process.

  6. What wonderful news for you and all the family! We'll be waiting...and missing you until you're back in touch.

  7. This appears to be an answer to prayer, Bunny! Good luck with downsizing - nothing like a moving company estimate to make you decide what really deserves to go on the truck. Haha!!

    All the best with the house sale and the move. :)

    1. WE hope to bring just the most basic items and a few treasured ones, not too much. We have tractors, freezers, food processors, etc. etc, etc, to sell Our son in law has everything needed to run a big home and yard so needs nothing of ours. So we won't need all of that sort of thing and therefore to bring it. The same goes for so many kitchen items. If I need a big roasting pan, I will just borrow it from my daughter. I hope the yard sale goes well. What's left will get donated to a place that helps the needy.

      Thanks all for the great good wishes. Being close to our family will be the best. Our "camping trip" in the Adirondacks was great but it is over.

  8. so happy for you. It all sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

  9. Praying that the house will sell quickly for you and that the build and move will go well!!! Being by the kids/grandkids will be so nice for you!!!

  10. Massachusetts welcomes you! Hope to run into you at Fabric Place Basement!!

    1. We'll make plans, one of my favorite places!

  11. I can completely relate to this beautifully written post. It is from the heart. A move like this will always be bitter-sweet but I think it has so much going for it - family, weather and a brand new home. We have had such pleasure from our new home in a nicer area and you will feel good with a lighter burden and more time to create. Fabulous news and I am so so pleased for you, dear Bunny. I am sure the family will be delighted - they do miss us when we are out of sight.

  12. Bunny, I have eagerly read your blog for several years, commenting very occasionally. As someone who has just retired with DH from Chicago to upstate South Carolina, I can relate to your post. We are renting now, but will be building a home (hopefully our last!), and I also plan to have a my first-ever sewing room, after using corners of other rooms my entire sewing life! I wish you the very best as you transition to your new location and home, and I look forward to reading more of your blog as you are able to get back to sewing.

  13. How exciting, Bunny!! I wish for you a rapid sale & an easy move. That was the best thing we ever did was to leave FL to come back to OH, where all our kids lived. You won't be sorry.
    Take it easy as you pack things up!!

  14. Ah, de-cluttering it can be so freeing and you have such an open attitude to moving! Congratulations, Bunny, and smooth sailing. Karen

  15. What wonderful changes in your life! Good luck with the house sale and building of the new one!

  16. Good luck as you move forward to your new home. Sounds exciting. It's something we're wrestling with at present. Lots of pros and cons. Of course sewing and blogging must take a step back - hopefully not forever!

  17. How lovely for you! Certainly a big change, but being near your family will be so wonderful for all of you. Good luck with selling your home. A new sewing room to plan! How fabulous!

  18. How exciting!! Congratulations on a new adventure!!

  19. Darling Bunny,

    What exciting news for you, Ern and your wider family. Chris and I could not be happier for you.

    Such a wonderful adventure and we hope that all goes smoothly with the sale of your beloved home and also the yard sale. Take the best of care.

    I will miss your postings, but know that you will be back, so I have something to look forward to, too!!
    Much love. Marysia.

  20. Far out, a big adventure and I can imagine the excitement and anticipation in designing and fitting out your new home. One of the great things about being a proper grown up is really knowing what you like and it not changing all the time, so you will just nail it and I am sure it will give you a frisson of joy every time you walk in your new front door xo

  21. I've missed your posts. Hope the move goes well.

  22. Best wishes! Look forward to hearing about your new adventure.

  23. Exciting news. I wondered what was keeping you away from your blog and happy it's good news. Enjoy the planning and hope you sell your house soon. Keep us in the loop from time to time (no pressure meant, only if you feel like sharing).

  24. What an exciting and busy times for you and your DH. I will look forward to hearing about your new sewing space and projects when you are settled in Boston.

  25. Wonderful news for you! We moved to be close to our grandchildren and are soooo happy! We also just built our house and it was a great experience. There are a few things I would have done differently, but I can live with them. Keep us all posted, it will be interesting.

  26. So happy about your new home plans, how wonderfully exciting. Yes, it is a time to focus but it's going to be a great break just to read about sewing projects from others. And then we will get to enjoy seeing your new sewing space as it comes to fruition. Of course, you are describing our housing we move to a smaller, quieter part of the country where we can get exactly the kind of home we'd like....or enjoy the hustle and bustle of a metropolitan area but live with housing (and sewing room) compromises. heck, I'll just let procrastination be the answer for another year. Best wishes in your endeavors.

  27. Thank you, each and everyone of you, for your kind thoughts and positive encouragement. I have read numerous sewing blogs where the author moves and it becomes a saga of builders, purging, frustrations and eventual settling down. I won't go that full bore route as I think it is just that, a full bore ;). If time allows I will show you some before and afters of the bathroom project, near done, and maybe a highlight or two. I will be sewing new window treatments and a shower curtain for the bath so maybe that, too. But for now know that each and every one of your good wishes and personal thoughts have found a place in my heart. Thanks to those who were worried about me and emailed. Just wow on that. And honestly, I am really missing my creative time right now, but will power through this project and meet you all on the other side. Bless you all.

  28. Hi Bunny,
    I hope your move is going well. I'm writing as a longtime reader who misses you. Your blog has helped me so much and so often! Sending you every best wish.

  29. Re-reading this post, and hoping that things are going as planned. I miss you.

  30. Hello Bunny, I hope you are making progress on the move and settling in to New England. I miss you!

  31. Catching up on old posts! Welcome to the area. Some lovely shops to consider - Delectable Mountain Cloth in Brattleboro, Vermont; Apple Annie Fabric in Swanzea, Crosscut in Melrose. Not as much garment fabric as I would want, but there are some!

  32. Thanks, everyone. A post is coming and much has happened!


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