Sewing Vloggers

Monday, May 28, 2018

New life, new look!

Hi, everyone! You have all been sorely missed as we made our way through this way too long journey. It started with making the decision to move back 350  miles to New Hampshire and family ties. Today I am  still unloading totes and setting up my sewing room. I feel with this return to sewing and to all of you through blogging, a new blog look was deserved. It is still being tweaked much so no judgie-ness, yet, anyway.

In the meantime I have so many thoughts spinning in my head that I want to share with you all that I am going to just stream the old consciousness and let it rip:

* Moving sucks, bigtime.
* Living close to family, in a totally rehabbed home on a lake in Central New Hampshire is divine.
* We are really happy here and having lots of fun and together time setting things up.
* I have a huge sewing space.
* Half the moving  truck, according to my eldest, was all my sewing stuff (embarrassed mom).
* I am almost done emptying totes.
* I have donated lots and lots.
* Yard sales are huge amounts of work.
* Moving is a huge amount of work.
* Hubs and I have watched way too may Chip and Joanna episodes as we lived in our tiny temporary apartment.
* We decided we could be Chip and Joanna, just not as cute.
* We had barn doors built and installed! Whadda I tell ya?
* Doing a whole house over really lets you give it a nice cohesiveness.
* May flies in NH are the spawn of Satan.
* I don't garden without my bug suit on.
* A few months back the neurologist suggested a new treatment plan for all my "stuff".
* I have been almost completely pain free for the first time in 12 years, allelhuiah!
* Did I say I loved Dr. M?
* Finding new docs when you  move sucks, too. Oy,,,,,,
* No opioids or narcotics. Won't touch that stuff.
* I do have too much fabric but I am mentally stable.
* I have become a member of a cult---Do you Instant Pot? No, you don't smoke it.
* I can't wait to sew.
* I am loving gardening again, even in my bug suit.
* Apartment living is not for us. Condos either.
* Hubs and I need our dirt.
* How do we always end up on the water when we have never, in our entire marriage, looked for water property?
* This summer Camp Poppaerniebunbunrunamuck will be open for all grandchildren. Bookings are being made now.
* I want to make cheese in my Instant Pot,,,,and jams, and meals, and cheesecake.
* What to do with all the velvets I have?
* Do you know what it's like to have opened your last tote/box and there are no sergers anywhere? ANYWHERE?
* Hubs found an unopened tote, two sergers inside. Hey, those totes all look alike.
* Serious sewing can take up a lot of space, if you let it.
* I REALLY miss my good friends in NY, REALLY LOTS..
* I am introverted, per my family.  None of my family is, just me.
* New home has a red metal roof. We are thinking dark gray paint.
* Have you ever fought over paint color? Worse than money.
* So many blogs have bit the dust since I started. I feel a blogpost coming re: that
* Love me some instant sew joy from instagram.
* Blogs have depth, can teach, and are work.
* I enjoy blog work.
*It feels good to be home.

An Imby Plus Chiffon Upcycle! Can you translate Mandarin?

                   Pardon no makeup and eye puffs. Still dealing with blefaritis.  This top had  a story, as most upcycles do. First, I love...