Sewing Vloggers

Monday, September 9, 2019

New Look 6446 and the Holy Grail

I think I have found my pattern for the painted jeans romper (?).  In reviews it seemed a bit short waisted on most and some commented to that effect and said they would alter for that the next time around. I would not make this exactly as shown but this is the best base I found out there. I will "jean" it up with contrast topstitching and buckles and such. It is now the next project in the queue. Right now I am finishing up long needed draperies for the guest room, simple tabs with a faux roman shade beneath. 


Sewing has its own set of Holy Grails. More than one is allowed, right?  Number One in my book would be the perfectly fitting pants pattern.  Another could be a White Singer Featherweight, found at a yard sale for 35 dollars and in running condition. How about the Greist Buttonholer? What would you choose as the Holy Grail of Sewing?  Well, from what I have read over the years, I found one yesterday at a local barn sale. May I present to you the Bound Buttonhole Maker! I am anxious to play with this and for an afternoon of fun at the going rate of 75 cents, I am such a cheap date!

Has anyone used one of these? 

I will do a bit of research on this before I decide to release it from it's long, plastic purgatory, then maybe some samples for fun. Can't beat a good New England barn sale!


Do you remember studying Escher's Tessellations in math class?  Well, I have been really really looking into the pad making and have looked at a lot of patterns. I have figured out I have to make my own and that won't be hard. Why make my own? Because I want it TESSELLATED! If I tessellate the pattern I can cut it out so easily with nary a thread of waste and with a rotary cutter., zoom, ZOOM, ZOOM!  

You get the idea here but I will have to change this up as the pattern is not available, old old web page and it is meant for monthly pads, anyway. It won't be hard to come up with my own design which will have some changes from this one as well. Where's my graph paper?


I have decided to try something new on the blog today. Let me know what you think. The colors offered for text in Blogger have black but it does not come out black enough for me. It really is a dark grey. It has been driving me nuts. I have seen this grey font being used all over, certainly not just blogger and it's a tough read. I have written the text in in Bold. Let me know what you think. I am not sure what I think yet but I was not happy with Blogger Black....Bunny


  1. Yes, I used that welt pocket thingie in high school. I came across it a few weeks ago and had forgotten what it was. Haven't made welt pockets in years.

    1. I make them now and then and use a TNT method. It will be interesting to see if this improves things or just confounds me.

    2. Hi Bunny, What is a TNT method?
      Do you mean tried and tested and I would love to know your bound buttonhole method. I always keen to learn which is the best method.

    3. Marysia, it simply means "tried and true". It is often referred to a garment with perfected fit we can make over and over but also to a technique that doesn't fail. There are serveral various ways to do Bound Buttonholes and I usually stick with the one method that I am most used to. I am willing and anxious to experiement with the BBH maker.

  2. The bold print is wonderful to read and thank you for considering your readers.

    1. Thanks so much for your input. I was at my wit's end with the faux black.

  3. I bought my bound buttonhole maker in the mid-60's when I was in college at Michigan State. I used it on a series of suits I made during those years. I loved it. I have the welt pocket maker too but have yet to use it.

    1. I didn't know there was a welt maker, hmmmmm,,,,,,,

  4. My 'old' eyes really appreciate the bolded writing. It just comes across as nice black.

    1. Thanks for your comment on the font, Kathryn.

  5. Bound buttonholer sure looks intriguing. And tessellating the pads is brilliant.

    Yes yes yes.....BOLD text, easier to read!

    1. Seems like I'm not the only one bothered by too light text. Thanks, garnet.

  6. I've used the bound buttonhole maker every time I've made bound buttonholes. It's slick and I've never made bb with any other method because this is so easy.

  7. Found my white Featherweight at a yard sale on the Cape, was not $35, but not a huge amount more! Never give up!


Engaging commentary:

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