Sewing Vloggers

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Easter Sunday Best!

Bodice closeup">

Let me tell you, it's not easy to think spring with this weather we are having today. At Easter our family traditionally joins together for an egg hunt and glorious Spring inspired feast. Last year I made DGD Sophie a smocked Madeira hem confection that I knew wouldn't fit her. She will be wearing it this year. I seem to always be a year ahead with fit for my little girls when it comes to any holidays. Anyhoo, her dress is made from pink and white oxford cloth and has smocking and Madeira hem and collar techniques. There are also bullions and my everpresent piping as well. Closeup of Sophies Easter Dress and Pinstitched Madeira collarI REALLY like doing the Madeira treatment and it is so easy with water soluble threads. I would like to thank my heirloom mentor, Betty D, for teaching me via cyberspace, how to do a great Madeira hem and collar. If you would like to see more of Betty's brilliance check out the site under tips. Betty is a treasure who has done and sewn everything when it comes to heirloom. I am so glad I know this wonderful cyberfriend.

The Madeira hem and collar are pinstitched for emphasis and just plain beauty. The hem undulutes instead of the traditional scallop, the better to not do those nasty points! I use the technique as taught by Carol Laflin Ahles in "Fine Machine Sewing." This is my bible. I can't wait to see my darling Sophie in this dress. Do you like long dresses on little girls? I sure do. I find the ones in Australian Smocking and Embroidery are just to my liking when it comes to hem length. they just look like such ballerinas in the longer length.Sophie\'s Easter Dress with a pinstitched Madeira hem and collar and picture smocked baskets.


  1. I don't know why, but I can only see a couple of the pics! It just shows a red x in corner on most. But from what I see, the dress is gorgeous! She'll love it.

  2. I am trying to fix the picture situation. Thanks so much for the heads up and glad you like my little "confection".

  3. I happened upon your blog after linking to it from pattern review. Your easter smocked dress for your granddaughter is a work of art.

    My also grandmother made me beautiful smocked dresses when I was a child. Recently I had the pleasure of looking at them (and trying them on my sweet niece) when going through some boxes at my parents.

  4. Oh Mercy-Me, Bunny...what a delicious confection! I don't remember you making this one but Martha (Southern Matriarch) just posted it & the link on her blog & I'm SEW glad. I would have hated to miss this one.

    I know how to do the Madeira edging with the wash-away thread but yours is especially fetching. I think I'll go read up on Betty's tips right now!!



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