I have a strong belief that a lining should be an integral design element to your garment. There is something really special about walking around in a navy blue suit and secretly knowing there is a wild retro silk print lining inside. Besides, it is just plain fun to have a pretty lining. And what is more bland than lining fabric?
For me, picking out a lining is stash diving at its best. I have a fair amount of lovely silk prints that never seem to be right for a garment, but oh, they make beautiful linings. So indulge me a few pics of linings. The printed one on top is silk and lines a black tapestry/patent leather bag I recently made. I just love opening up that bag. And here's a secret: a pretty lining in a bag makes you keep it neater, really!
By the way, you can click on any of these to enlarge.
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