Sewing Vloggers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

" The Sparsely Wired"

                                                (photo courtesy of Popular Mechanics)
That quote comes from an article in the New York Times.  I moved to this area 6 years in October. I had a gut feeling they had no broadband out here. I was right. I clearly remember asking the realtor as we stood in this home before making an offer, "do you have broadband or DSL?" His reply was, "what is that?" After a couple of extremely frustrating, barely worth it years on dial up, a brave entrepreneur brought satellite to our area. That's how I have been hooked up for a while. It is much better than dial up, thank heavens, but still no fast broadband. I am limited to the amount I can down load and if I go over I get shut down. I get nasty grams all the time from the ISP telling me I am reaching my limit and that I deserve a good slap on the hand. Since I have some killer speakers and get most of our music direct off the computer this has been a big issue. You tube? Fugetabotit. I have to hold the button down for the equivalent of half of the time duration of the video. That way I am looking at the video and not catching the lapses in connectivity. This is only bearable on videos of less than three minutes. All those sewing videos? I watch them when I visit my children who live in the rat race.

Today is a big day in our little village of 350 hearty souls, at least big for me. We are all getting connected, one by one, (free installation, mind you) to the high speed internet. It was our turn today. This has not been a clean cut installation. We live a 1/4 mile back from the road and have  underground wiring. It required digging a trench from the pole on the road, going around the septic system, and then to the house. When I asked the "fiber guy" what that would cost he explained to me it would cost nothing. Seems Obama's Stimulus Package denoted our little village as one of the most  technologically backward in the country, one of twelve particularly desparate places.  Because of that all installations are free even if they involve a construction crew of 7, heavy equipment, and hours of labor to go underground to our way back home.

So today I am winging to you across the fibers with speed and light. This is not new to us as we had broadband from its inception back in NH. But it is with great delight that I am now able to visit your videos, hear your voices, and continue to blog from up here in the Dacks. I may even make a video of my own now and then! I now have a new email addy and all your email addies in a spreadsheet for the moment. So if you need to get a hold of me it is now            bunnypep at gmail  dot com. I have to go check out Skype now and put on my music. No hand slapping, wahoooey!!!......Bunny


  1. Whoo-hoo! Congrats, Bunny! FYI, my son and his family love just outside the capitol of DE (Dover) and had no internet either until last week. Seems no one wanted to wire the neighborhood because of the large Amish population who won't be interested. They are doing the Happy Fios dance too!

  2. Alright! Guess you're happy to be joining the 21st century.

  3. Congratulations. We have dsl and would love to get fiber optic Fios, but our township, which is one of the largest in the state can't come to an agreement with. It would be fabulous, enjoy.

  4. Congrats! You will have fun (and find plenty to waste your time doing with high speed!).

  5. Sweet! Congrats on your new, speedier hookup. Enjoy your music and videos.


  6. Ah, the benefits of remoteness with the luxury of speedy internet, sounds like paradise. Enjoy!

  7. Congrats! So much fun... You must be smiling from ear to ear watching YouTube! Have fun!

  8. Yipee~Skippy! FYI, I have high speed Time Warner that I pay THROUGH THE NOSE FOR each month & I STILL can't get through an entire youtube video without it "buffering". Drives me crazy!

    Don't forget to walk away from the computer once in awhile. Good for your circulation. LOL


  9. Woo-hoo!! Welcome to the 21st Century Bunny!

  10. Um, wow. I thought I knew of some pretty remote places here in NH. I guess we're on the cutting edge compared to some places in the Daks. I'm glad you survived the dark ages and are now enjoying modern technology!

  11. Congrats to you! Just don't forget that some of us are STILL on Dial-Up! No high speed here, unless I pay thru the nose for satellite. Blessings

  12. I'm glad that you are finally wired in...that Obama he did something right didn't he! :)

  13. You won't know yourself! Or if you are like me, won't be able to tear yourself away from the internet!


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