Sewing Vloggers

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Cushions Begin

Twenty Two yards of welting completed and I've got a stiff neck! Now its time to suck up the fumes from the spray adhesive being used to attach the batting to the foam. Just kidding, as I will be going outside to the picnic table  for that chore.

My "Sunset" book suggest using a ski type zipper foot for the entire construction. Makes sense as all seams are either welted or zippered. For this I brought out my old Kenmore, a heavy duty workhorse with one of those wonderful ski type feet....Bunny


  1. I love my ski type zipper foot. The other one never works well. I also have a cording foot- which works so well, except when turning corners!

  2. Love that bias method, I'll definitely have to get that book. How's the sewing room decorating coming?

  3. That looks like a daunting project! Knowing you will do a beautiful job of upholstering.

  4. I love watching all this and taking notes...we are getting ready to redo the upholstery inside our little RV and although I know I can do it, I'm not a home dec person......1 seam down and only 999,999,999 more to go....and they are mostly all straight!!!! At least I know I'll learn some shortcuts along the way watching you.

  5. Hmmmmm, mind showing us a picture of the "ski type zipper foot? I *think* I know what you're talking about, just not positive.

  6. I have made bias this way in the past with great success but tried it again recently and it didn't work out. Guess I missed a step somewhere! So I will have to study your pictures to get it right.


Engaging commentary:

Close to being stumped with this one!

  Don't go shopping at quilt shops, even if they are the high end types like Quilted Threads of Henniker, NH. With tongue in cheek, I wi...