Sewing Vloggers

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cushions Continue, #2

Yesterday I dealt with the foam. It is high density polyurethane foam. Because Audrey's window seat had little measurement idiosynchrosies each piece of foam is marked Left or Right and has arrows for Up and Front. By wrapping the foam with quilt batting the cushion should fill more nicely in the corners and crevices. Again, this is info gleaned from that great Sunset publication. You can get a crisper look without out it but I think it will work better with the batt.
I used Elmer's spray adhesive, OUTSIDE, to secure the batt to the foam as well as glue some foam to foam pieces for the bolsters. It worked very nicely, but the fumes, oh my. Outside is the only way to go here. particularly if you are asthmatic like myself.
Here you can see the fabric chosen for the cushion bodies. It is from and made by Richloom. She wanted something rather fun and whimsical because it is after all a glorified laundry/mud room. With leftovers from this and the striped welting we will fabricate some sort of window treatment. We will see how much fabric is left before any decision is made there.  

Today more cutting, spraying, and gluing continues. It is far too beautiful out to  not spend time outside, however, so cave time will be minimal. 

Cynthia asked how my sewing room redo was going. Well, I have purchased some more fabric and goodies and will work on these in between other projects. It will happen in time. One thing I am toying with is slip covering my office chair. I am thinking  a white matelasse with a  bias black and white check binding. I need to get to Home Goods in NH to get the bedspread  I  will use for this project. I also have some magazine boxes to recover and am saving up for a super wall unit I found on line for laces and trims. I will let you know when it is ready to go on Nate Berkus, LOL!...Bunny


  1. Looking good! That Sunset book looked so familiar to me, and there was a very good reason - I have that book :)
    How exciting, right? Marji sent it to me when she was de-cluttering in preparation for her sailing adventures. I read through it to get a feel for how I will approach my sofa slipcover. You are right, it's a great book.

  2. Wow, thanks for the class. I'm going to be needing to do this soon and will bookmark this page!

  3. Hey - where do you find this Sunset Article?


Engaging commentary:

Close to being stumped with this one!

  Don't go shopping at quilt shops, even if they are the high end types like Quilted Threads of Henniker, NH. With tongue in cheek, I wi...