Sewing Vloggers

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thoughts Between Home Dec

I saw this notebook at Staples and just knew it would be perfect in the new room. Last year I decided to track my work in a notebook and am glad I've started that practice. This notebook refines it up a bit. My notebook keeps me from marking up patterns and gives me notes on fit adjustments. I have found this really helpful. The drawback with my previous notebook was that it was chronological and if I wanted to look up what I did to adjust that princess blouse or whatever it took digging. When I changed over to this notebook I decided to get more categorized. I did the sections you see plus added one today for Home Dec. The first page of each section is an index listing date started, pattern number or name of design, and date completed. Then in each section each project gets a page or more if needed for all the details of the construction. I have numbered each project in each section as well. This contains all those little things like what needle I used for what stitching, fit adjustments, comments on the pattern, etc. I think I will be happier with these refinements, plus, its a cute notebook to go with the new "look" of the room. 

I have started on my window and should finish it today. Then it will be on to Audrey's guest bath window. I will also get started on some holiday smocking as my fingers are itching to get back to handsewing. Gotta have something for that TV time. 
This is my guilty pleasure, real pesto, made fresh from the garden. My basil's lifeline is limited now and I must squeeze in every last bit of pesto I can. Real fresh pesto is truly glorious. It starts with picking the leaves out in the garden from a beautifully green little bush that bursts fragrance every time I bend down to pinch a leaf. Part of this joy is the warm sun on my back. Then I go in and rinse the leaves and put them in the food processor, love that thing. In go the toasted almonds or pine nuts, real fresh Parmesan, a clove of garlic, all to succumb to the whirring blade. Golden olive oil is dripped down the sides as the mix works into its perfect consistency. Now comes the best part. A big spoon comes out only to be filled with the oily green-ness. I would eat the whole bowl if it didn't come along with such guilt but will  settle for a few magic spoonfuls of summer resting on my tongue. Need a spoon? I'll share......Bunny


  1. mmmm, fresh pesto, the urge to smock and a spiffy new notebook.

    The little things in life are actually pretty big, aren't they. Enjoy.

  2. I love home grown and made pesto. It is a bit early to plant basil here, but will be soon. I wish it didn't have to die in winter.

  3. All of my basil bolted while we were on vacation, but I may try chopping the flowers off and see if I get anything.

    That notebook is a great idea. I've been idly thinking about something similar, especially as I have a few nice Daytimers hanging around empty. The iPhone takes care of what they used to do.

  4. Ooh, yum. I have basil needing to be harvested, so you've spurred me on.


Engaging commentary:

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