Sewing Vloggers

Monday, June 30, 2014

Pants Stayed delayed!

I just couldn't resist this picture of sweet little Alex being frustrated. I'm frustrated too. I spent the day yesterday working on the pant stay, taking pics as I went along, planning the blog post in my head as I sewed the steps. Then reality set in. I really really dislike this new little camera. It's a Fuji whatever. It was inexpensive and was meant to be a holdover until either I could fix my DSLR or get a new one. Since we are going to build a porch shortly this is not the best time to plunk down the big bucks. But you do get what you pay for.

This little puppy, despite having done so previously, would not download. I pulled out the pdf manual and proceeded to install the program that came with the camera. I was then able to download but it took forever to find the file. That was all OK but installing that software somehow destroyed any other editing software on the computer. I could not edit and these pics definitely needed editing before using. Reading along in the manual I discover that I am supposed to edit in the camera and then download. Bull---t.  Editing to show fine detail better in a tiny little camera? You've got to be kidding. I will get this figured out and as soon as I do I will show you how I did the pants stay, a combination of Sandra Betzina and Sure Fit Design methods. It came out pretty nicely and  all pants could benefit from a stay.

ETA:  A new morning and a fresh  outlook have  found a way. I have to move each pic individually to get it edited and that will take a ridiculous bit of time. The good news is my friend called and my DSLR is being worked on so things are looking up. Thanks for your patience. Here is one pic I was able to edit a bit. It's from the beginning of the process. Thanks for your patience and I promise the stay post is coming....Bunny


  1. Funny, Alec B. is not usually so "smiley" when he is frustrated! Maybe the old camera will re-enter your life soon.

    1. It was a rare moment, I'm thinking. We all know he does not take frustration well. I got a kick out of the picture.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Bunny, you can download Picassa free to your computer and use it to edit your pics once you have them dowloaded to the computer as well. Also Photobucket has some editing capabilities as well as storage for your photos. I use Photoshop Elements 9 which isn't free but very reasonable in my opinion-- around $60. It is an older version but it does everything I need it to do.

  4. I have been using Photoscape and have been really pleased. Once I loaded the Fuji software all photos were gone from my Photoscape folder. Late this morning I tried Photoscape and they seem to be back. But none of the Fuji photos are in there or in My Pictures. I can copy and paste them individually but what a pain! I tried to copy the whole group and it wouldn't let me. I will keep playing and hopefully this will be all figured out soon. Either way, even if it is one by one, I will copy them into photoscape and get them edited so I can publish the "stay" post. Thanks for your help, Judy.

  5. Doesn't your camera come with a SD card? Most laptops have card readers now, you could insert the card there and use it like any other drive, that's how I get my pictures from the camera. But this is just guessing, you could be using a desktop ☺
    PS I love Alec


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